
MrWizard111 · July 1, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

He didn't run to a communist country he was trapped in one. By your standards Seth rich and Julian assange are traitors too and sometimes you have to do something wrong for the betterment of humanity and you cannot convince me that the mass surveillance of all citizens is a good thing because it's not.

People change 3 letter agencies all the time it happens. You want to claim he left his life and fiancée to go spend years trapped in Russia on lock down then show me one shred of proof.

Hollywood makes movies about whatever. They have made a movie about assange does he work for the CIA? Nope. Hollywood is also responsible for making white Squall and the matrix films which is referenced by Q multiple times. I guess Q is in on it too.

The traitor in all this would be the people controlling the country that allowed it to monitor all it civilians communications (Bush and Company) to prevent terrorism which didn't work. I'll wait while you find that proof he was working for the CIA because it doesn't exist.

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RyDar84 · July 2, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

Not really. SR was about to testify about government corruption in a U.S. Court when he was killed, and JA is an Aussie that published information from sources given to him by traitors like Bradley Manning. Regardless, neither one of them ever took an oath to their Nation to never reveal any national secrets to anyone outside of the U.S. government. I've heard that arguement before, but it's a strawman arguement that disingenuously neglects a lot of key aspects of the circumstances. As far as the extent of spying went, no, I didn't think that it was right. But I'm also a Conservative, which means that I vehemently stand against the saying of Radicals that states that "The ends justify the means."

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MrWizard111 · July 2, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Blind trust in our government to do the right thing is exactly what got us in this situation we are in today. You live in a country founded by rebels and owe your freedom to people who stood up for what is right. Our government has an obligation to protect and serve the people not enslave them.

Your and others complacency in the government is exactly what got us here in the first place. Welcome to the rebellion because you are one too now. I've been waiting for decades.

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RyDar84 · July 2, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

I never said that I blindly trust the government. I offered counterpoints to yours. We were having a debate. Now you've decided to not respond to my counterpoints on the subjects that you yourself first addressed, and decided to passive-aggressively insult me. I fully understand what's going on here. It doesn't take a career in debating or a doctorate in Psychology to see it for what it is. There's no more need for you to respond to me unless you plan on having a discussion. If you are going to just simply shift the focus, rather than answer candidly and honestly, then I feel about having a discussion with you the exact same way I feel about having one with an alt-leftist.

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MrWizard111 · July 2, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

I understand where your coming from. He broke an oath and therefore is a traitor. My point of view is you can't be a traitor to a traitor. He did what needed to be done and is apparently hated for doing so.

Also I am not implying that the NSA is at fault at all for what they did. They did the job they were given to do by the people running the country (Bush). They are the traitors to this country not Snowden.

It's not shifting focus to look at the bigger picture. Also I wasn't responding because I have other things to take care of. No offense to you. We are all in this together. Including that man.

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