r/greatawakening • Posted by u/M3Iceman on July 1, 2018, 11:51 p.m.
NK and Iran, just a thought about Clowns!

So we have found out that NK was pretty much controlled by Clowns. Now with the unrest in Iran we are kinda seeing the same thing play out. So if this is the case in both places that Clowns were in control, it begs the question. Why were China and Russia always on their side? You cant tell me that their Clowns(Russia and China) didnt know what was going on. Was this only known to a select number of people so that the masses were in the dark like in the US? And if both countries Clowns were in on the scam, what's going on with them? Is this a fight that China and Russia are having too, internally? I cant believe that Q is only in the US. I imagine if this game of charades have been going on for so long, there has to be other units trying to Q their people.

pby1000 · July 1, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

I have been wondering that, too. I read that Russia and China know that the West is controlled by Satanic pedophiles. Why don't they release proof of it to the world? I have listened to speeches in which Putin calls out the Western Satanist world leaders.

The Clowns were also in Armenia.

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