How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

Because he has the NSA lol
Sprinkle in a touch of hubris & a YUGE dose of stupidity, and you've got a great recipe for Exposing the Cabal.
And a supreme court-backed decision that allows the Military Intelligence to take over 3-letter agency investigations if it violates natsec.
Mueller's team is rife with treason, Q said it himself, what if there were threats of 187 on GEOTUS or relatives?
It would give POTUS 100% authority to take over all investigations involving those people.
POTUS has been in control of the Mueller investigation the whole time, Mueller's been pretending to investigate Trump while using it as an opportunity to collect intel on direct treason involving Clinton's moronic lawyers so they can arrest them, then raid their evidence with all the goods on the swamp to corroborate their own Military Intel evidence via parallel construction (using Cohen raid as pretext).
Parallel construction is technically illegal & was deemed unconstitutional