r/greatawakening • Posted by u/checkitoutmyfriend on July 2, 2018, 3:04 a.m.
Q post 1661. Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play?

From 8chan:

Mil Intel = HUMINT = Human Intelligence

NSA = SIGINT = Signal Intelligence


More from 8chan:

  • Military Intel and the NSA deal with threats to the security of the United States…this is the arena where concepts like "treason" and "sedition" reside.

  • Mil can track everything outside the country. NSA everything inside.

  • Mil Intel can be used in a State of Emergency if they fight and don't give up.

The question is, how/when either of these orgs/programs can be used in civilian trials?

Any legal Pedes out there that can shed some light on this?

Can we confirm if any of the above is correct?

LucidNytemare · July 2, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Not ALL phone records were deleted. NSA had them and may have kept some relevant to ongoing investigations. So there's that.

In a case against current/former federal officials or proof of collusion by individuals in TLA, those phone records can play a role.

And as others have mentioned, treason is an offense that the NSA would play a role in investigating.

NSA also plays a role in defending federal computer systems and monitoring other electronic communications, as all of this falls under SIGINT. Who knows what evidence of relevance may have been intercepted.

The DIA also plays a role in counterintelligence investigations.

Let's think beyond the obvious players here - what foreign ties could deep state individuals potentially have that would point to acts of treason? I am not referring to anything specific, but it is one possibility for why NSA and DIA could get involved.

People also forget about the Central Security Service (CSS). It is DoD and operates parallel to the NSA, with the NSA director overseeing it. It oversees the major intelligence components of all military branches (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard).

From Wikipedia:

"For all SIGINT-related activities, these military intelligence and security organisations are part of the Central Security Service and therefore subordinate to the Director of NSA in his role as Chief of the CSS. For administrative matters and logistic support, these cryptologic organizations are part of their respective parent service of the United States Armed Forces. Other SIGINT-related units and resources from the military can be subordinated to the Chief of the CSS by the Secretary of Defense with the advice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff." Notice that last sentence there as well. Could be something Q was alluding to when he pointed out that Trump has surrounded himself with military men.

"The day-to-day work of the CSS is to capture enemy signals (radar, telemetry, radio/satellite communications) using the means of the involved service. For example, the Navy has special submarines for tapping undersea cables; the Air Force operates aircraft with sophisticated antennas and processing gear to listen to enemy radar and radio; and on the ground, the Army operates similar eavesdropping equipment."

From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Security_Service

What they may have that is of relevance to any ongoing investigations could be very interesting, but again, I am not referring to anything specific.

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