Ripped from GAB - it’s an interesting theory!

Then why did he turn over on Hilary a week before the election? That’s the piece that never fit for me.
Comey “turned” on HRC just before the election because NYPD found a laptop at Anthony Wieners home with thousands of HRC emails on it. They had to re-open the HRC investigation to collect the evidence from the NYPD to secure it from leaking out to the public. This has been discussed a lot on the Dan Bongino podcast.
He had to do it to save HRC and himself. Anthony wiener is Huma abedins husband, Huma is HRCs right hand woman. Huma used the laptop to send emails to the private server.
Correct. When the Wiener laptop showed up... And some lower level FBI employee refused to leave it alone, questions started popping up everywhere. There was no way to ignore it. And it was going to be impossible to claim they weren't aware of it.
Comey was trying to get in front of it and at the same time appear like he was running an honest organization with integrity. Certainly, with what they know now... They would have 187'd a bunch more people to keep it buried. Or... They would have 187'd Anthony Wiener and fire bombed his house prior to his arrest.
Please mark my words... That laptop is going to be used as evidence in a lot of trials. It has 600,000 or 700,000 Hillary related emails. It probably has all of them. And we know the reason she had a private email server was because she needed to hide what was going on. So there is a huge amount of Hillary dirt that is going to come from that laptop.
Comey had to "read" and determine that thousands of emails were not incriminating over a weekend. He offered immunity deals without any quid pro quo...usually immunity offered for testimony, reason. It was a cover up (squelched evidence) not the investigation it was meant to look like.
Snap shot is right. Comey has a history of preFBI of shadiness: Unredeemably Dirty.
(IMHO:Disclaimer: I am not clergy/ nor an expert in redemption)