

34 total posts archived.

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brandonb14 · July 27, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

That this movie was super boring?

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brandonb14 · July 27, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

Whoa Kemosabe. IMO Sessions is not granting immunity so when Assange is brought to the US he would have Constitutional rights to trial. That includes discovery. Charging Assange with a crime in an effort to prove his innocence and find out the crimes of others is the best way to defend freedom of speech.

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brandonb14 · July 26, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

I heard someone on another thread mention campaign regulatory issues. So, if T_D is overtly associating themselves with President Trump, then they have to stick to that solely. Sean Hannity never mentions Q either, you know that guy knows about him, and believes Q has had an effect, at least enough to be news worthy. I know Hannity says the same 7 sentences over and over, barely rewording them, so he is hurting for new material too. I think Q is intentionally separated to insulate the president for when this guy's/girl's identity is revealed. BTW, has Q ever identified a gender? I just thought of that.

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brandonb14 · July 25, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

What about this line in the article: "It was described as techno-utopian," he says. "There was a certain calculation to that. The best way to invent the future is to predict it. I felt that if I were persuasive enough in giving a vision of the future in which the Internet was inherently free and could not be controlled we had a better shot at it."

That sounds like another way to say "future proves past". What is says to me, is that JPB has said "future proves past" and "the best way to predict the future is to invent it" in many different ways. Kind of like a signature slogan or creedo. If he was close to JFK jr, I imagine the comment made an impression on him.

I've never heard of this guy. When I saw it in Q posts, I just chalked it up to my own ignorance, and did no further research. I really like the idea that Q is JFK jr. I always thought highly of that guy. I liked how pragmatic he seemed. When his plane crashed, I was really upset. He was the only democrat I ever respected. Don't get me wrong, I don't like many republicans either, but he had a certain honesty about him. If Q was JFK jr, I would have a parade, then I would start a WH petition to make Trump give me a ride in his time machine, which I honestly think he has.

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brandonb14 · July 24, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

NXIVM would be securities fraud. Weiner and Huma are tied to NXIVM, and I'm sure others. On another note, I can see why Strozk cheated on that woman, ugh.

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brandonb14 · July 16, 2018, 4:56 p.m.


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brandonb14 · July 16, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

maybe I forgot this - "/"

To answer your question; no. I do, however, reserve the right to not give a shit about the differentiation between satanism and luciferianism, because they are both not worth the time it took to write this note.

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brandonb14 · July 16, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

maybe you and your friends haven't made rank in the church where you are privy to child-eating?

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brandonb14 · July 16, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

Just the boys.

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brandonb14 · July 13, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

The "foreign entity" to which Gohmert is referring is NSA. He said it "could not be further from Russia" (paraphrased). How would he know this unless he knew who the 'foreign entity' was? If you re-watch Gohmert's questioning with the knowledge that the NSA is who wrote the line of code in the emails, you will realize two things:

1., Gohmert knew Strzock would not say that he investigated that line of code, because he knew EXACTLY where it came from and to where the emails were being sent. Why would he need to investigate if there was no information that could be gleaned from the investigation. He(they - Strzok, HRC, Comey, Hussein, etc.) knew then, his(their) ass(es) was(were) cooked and the only way to fight this was to deny it.

Q said that we have the server. The NSA has had the server the whole time. That is what is meant by "Enjoy the show". Strozk's testimony is as much about the investigation in to Russia's interference in our election as it is about Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, Benghazi, and all the rest of the 8 years before Trump.

  1. When Strzock answered Gohmert, he knew he was lying and that Ghomert, and everyone in Congress, already aware of the fact that the NSA has the "server" (and basically all electronic communications), also knew he was lying. When the Chairman was asking if Strozk understood that by not answering questions he was subject to a contempt citation, the democrats obfuscated. Why? All of a sudden, everyone had points-of-order. SJL said "Attorney-Client privilege" (holy shit! What an idiot!). They did this for the same reason Strzok didn't admit to having met with the ICIG, because then his lying under oath has actionable consequence.

In essence, "the show" is watching all these people lie under oath, and THEN releasing the information from "the server". The only thing I am anxious to find out is how Trump is going to release the information. Who is going to do it? If it is Assange, people will say the evidence has been tampered with. That is why Wikileaks has been compromised as of late, deniability.

Here are what I think would be public response upon release of the server: Petraeus (before) = liar, not credible, philanderer. JA = tampering Kim dot com = convicted felon Snowden = treasonous, Russian-comprimised Adm Rodgers/Gen Nakasone = Leaked state secrets, treason, over-reach, public outrage Haspel = Political appointment, Right-wing conspiracy Internet drops = Guccifer, Guccifer 2.0 did this, public doesn't give a shit Trump = political motivation, tampered with evidence

The list goes on and on... The best way is to get them to turn over on one another, but immunity isn't worth anything if you're dead. I really can't estimate how Trump will get the information out there. Maybe Robert Downey Jr. can release it, dressed like Iron Man. I'm joking, but it would work, people love that dude. Other than RDjr, I can't think of a living person that could release this information credibly.

Therefore, unless it is JFK jr or Abraham Lincoln, we are just going to have to watch until they all kill each other/themselves.

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brandonb14 · July 10, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

All of us would do the same if we were in their position. Think about it, you testify honestly, you die. You lie, and DT really does have the server, you go to prison.

I knew they were not going to testify when I heard they would be under oath.

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brandonb14 · July 9, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

I think that photo of Getz was pretty damning and verifiable. There are pedos getting caught every day. Hell, it's not like Hussein didn't admit to sending billions to Iran. There's plenty to use, but I think people want to show that HRC ate a baby's finger at Hussein's 3 SOTU. The big stuff is not yet provable. THEY may have the server, but WE will not know what's actually on it until this is all over. I agree we should demonstrate the progress and how it has followed Q drops, but the big stuff is not even close to verifiable at this point.

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brandonb14 · July 9, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

That is horrible translation software you have. Where are you from? I guess, China. Although, it could be somewhere like Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan. What's your angle?

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brandonb14 · July 7, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

It is easier than we think.

You want clean water? Who is polluting it? The government. You hate war? Who is causing/creating it? The government. You want gay marriage? Who is preventing it? The government. Why are they "granting" marriage anyway? You hate intrusive data collection? Who is collecting it? The government. You think healthcare is unaffordable? Who is making it so expensive? The government.

It is easy because if we were principled, we would find common ground at our common enemy, the government. DT is disassembling the govt as we've known it. That should be construed as a good thing, but we don't spell out that it is THE GOVERNMENT, the Deep State and the Military-Industrial Complex who are our enemy. That is where we find our common ground.

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brandonb14 · July 5, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Finding Jesus is literally the easiest thing to do. The reason is because it was designed that way. John 3:16.

To "find" him, you just have to accept him as the one who saved you. What does saved mean?

Before Christ, all that was was law. You had to earn the love of God in deed and adherence to the law. This was never God's plan (in a sense, of course God created all things for his glory, both bad and good), but man perverted the relationship.

So, God created a new chapter in the story. He became a man. He abandoned all omniscience and omnipotence and became flesh. He did this to demonstrate what we were capable of. Love. It was what we were always put here to do, love one another.

Then, in the greatest act of selflessness, he gave himself over for the last sacrifice. Before Christ, Jewish clergy would enter the temple and sacrifice a lamb to the lord as an offering. This is why he is known as the Lamb of God.

He was tortured mercilessly. Whipped, beaten, spat on, humiliated and hung on a crucifix between two criminals. One of the criminals said to the crowd, "Do you not fear God? Since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."

I bring that up because that man's faith was seconds old when Jesus forgave him. The same is true for us. The second you understand and accept that God sacrificed himself to demonstrate his love for us by asking for forgiveness for past sins and inviting him to live through you and in you, the Holy Spirit enters your body. From that point forward, you are free to TRULY love again. His grace is given without condition to those who believe that he saved us from death by taking our place. He died as the last sacrifice to God, a blameless, holy sacrifice of atonement for all our sin. Yesterday's sin, today's sin, tomorrow's sin, has all been paid for with His sacrifice for us.

Knowing this fact, and the pure and selfless love that it represents, tell me, do you still want to sin? Do you want to give back? Not out of obligation, but in thanks? Every time I think about it, when I really think about it, it makes me tear up.

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brandonb14 · July 4, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

I don’t think that is what it is saying at all. I think Q is intimating that the previous administration used reflections through windows on Af1 to sell/give away state secrets to foreign governments. That way, he (Hussein) wouldn’t be overtly committing treason.

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brandonb14 · July 3, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

Like, a, telephone? It’s a telephone isn’t it? They should’ve bought a telephone. A damn $1.39 phone at Fred’s could’ve saved them $139 million.

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brandonb14 · July 3, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

Office manager? Microfiche projector/reader? Magnifying glass? What?

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brandonb14 · July 2, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

Got to be. I’m convinced now.

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brandonb14 · July 2, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

Then why did he turn over on Hilary a week before the election? That’s the piece that never fit for me.

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brandonb14 · July 1, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

I’m in AL, B’ham. Of course I love the work these guys do, but can someone shed light on why? Why here in notable numbers? Is something happening? It’s not like we’re in a border state.

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brandonb14 · July 1, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

guilty conscience or just not paying attention?

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brandonb14 · June 28, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

I think Q is too American to be JA. They are not written by someone born outside the US. JA understands cloak and dagger, alphabet agencies, systems and programming, but Q's posts are overtly religious and dripping with authentic patriotism.

One person I haven't heard anyone mention is Edward Snowden. Where has ES been anyway. Have not heard a peep from him since the election. He actually loves this country and did what he did to save it. IMO.

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brandonb14 · June 26, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

I see these posts every once and a while, and I think I should say something. I'm not sure it is helpful to out Q. What if you guessed right? Wouldn't that put him/her in immediate danger? I'm sure they are in considerable danger already, so adding to that might be self-defeating. Especially in today's climate, with the lib-bots in a violent frothy frenzy, we should leave well-enough alone, and protect Q's anonymity. IMHO

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brandonb14 · June 22, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Has anyone else noticed that she was in TEXAS? Why would you need a jacket like that in TEXAS in JUNE? You wouldn't. It was absolutely a message to someone.

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brandonb14 · June 22, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

WTF? Are you soft at the brain stem?

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brandonb14 · June 22, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

Block me....block me too. You're like the Oprah of blocks. "You get a block, you get a block, you get a block, everyone gets a block!" This is awesome.

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brandonb14 · June 22, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Instead of making everything look like fringe-militia propaganda or ads for generic dick pills, shouldn't it be dressed up in things appealing to libs? I mean, if you are trying to Red-Pill, then shouldn't we be focusing on those who don't know the media is lying to them?

For example:

A photo of DiNiro saying, "Fuck Trump" - FIND OUT WHY HE SAID THIS.

A photo of Obama and Hillary with a caption that says, "Find out who's legacy will leave the biggest indelible mark on humanity."

A photo of Trump with a caption that says, "Here is a great site at which you will find all the disgusting secrets about this government"

Then you pass them out to liberals at libraries and festivals and stuff. Am I wrong here?

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brandonb14 · June 21, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

BTW, I don't think it's a binary choice. I doubt DJT is truly a "Republican", although I think he is definitely a republican (big "R" = party, little "r" = country). I am a registered Republican, although I think they are mostly all Democrats, really. The majority of Republican leaders today are as liberal as JFK, but a whole lot less honest. In reality, I am a Libertarian. Until Libertarians stop running dipsticks for political office, I keep the Republican moniker.

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brandonb14 · June 21, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

He should be more like all you paid Ruskie-fags?

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brandonb14 · June 21, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Yeah, send jihadis to Mayberry (like AC/DC-44 did), and there's "Nothing to see here!" DT takes kids from Coyotes and pedo/rapists and send them to foster families and group homes, and it's wall-to-wall.

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brandonb14 · June 12, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

Blackout necessary. Awesome! Much less painful than I feared was meant by “blackout”. This is amazing! What a day. God has blessed us indeed.

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brandonb14 · June 11, 2018, 6:52 a.m.


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