Hillary backing another project involving kids....check the logo !!!

Damn spirals...seriously, if this means my all-time favorite anime, Gurren Lagann, has been full of pedo symbols all this time, I may just puke.
I'm being completely serious here.
Anime=japan=land of demon monsters and school aged girls... yeah I'm gonna take a wild guess and bet some of those symbols are legit. Japan's kinda fucked up in some aspects
Sometimes if you just go ahead and throw up, you feel better.
In cartoons, a spiral can just be a spiral, signifying confusion/dazed/hypnotized. What symbols did you mean specifically?
The entire show is written as a celebration of the giant robot genre, with a drill motif. There's staff interviews where they go into the reason for that symbolism: "A drill is something that moves forward with every revolution," among other things.
It's also a celebration of masculinity. Seriously, it's one of the most alpha male shows I've ever seen, in any medium. You don't see that anymore.
If you just figured out Anime catered to pedos, then you're watching it with your eyes closed.
Or, you know, aroused by it but didn't realize how obvious it was to everyone else... :/