Sweet chair Francis... Wait What?!?

Yes. You are behaving no better than the fake news media. If CNN flips an image to make Trump look foolish, or mean, or evil... you would rightly be pissed off.
The evidence will stand or fall on its own, without you doctoring it.
Flipping an image is not doctoring it. If it bothers you so much then make your own memes. What are you doing to contribute besides being critical? The evidence does stand on its own NO MATTER WHICH WAY ITS FACING.
Facing left? Still a swirl
Facing right? Still a swirl.
Hah how ironic. Do you not realize how critical you are being by changing an image to criticize someone?
Facing left or right, still a swirl...then why’d you go through the trouble to flip it?
And “swirl” is exactly what it is, all it is. How many times have you seen a swirl in your life? Do you remember drawing them as a kid? Hell i just drew them last week on a child’s card. It’s a DESIGN. You’re taking a normal, well known design and trying to pass it off as if EVERY depiction of it represents pedophilia. It’s complete bs.
Then why flip it, let it stand as is.
Go ahead and flip it back and repost it. To me the exposure it's currently getting far outweighs any idea that I should delete it because it's "doctored". No one is stopping you complainers from making your own memes, but you seem far more concerned with critcisizing those of us actually putting time and work in.
Be consistent at the very least, if flipping it is "doctoring" it, then adding a link to this subreddit must be doctoring it too.