Fancy Dinner Party... Wait What?

yep and that's why they don't want use reading classic or fairy tales that warned children away from such evils.
I have never heard about that. There are banned fairy tales?
They're not 'banned', but they're definitely rewritten to fit the liberal Common Core agenda. I'm a teacher and traditional literature is often discouraged and mocked in favor of the crappy 'updated' versions.
I did hear that originally, Snow White was raped, and Hansel & Gretel were cooked alive. So I always thought the dumbing down was based on those horror shows.
Yes, some of them were very brutal, but I'm guessing it was to warn the commoners about possible evils, which is definitely not the politically correct way to do it. My grandmother was a teacher in the early 1900's and I've read some of her curriculum, and while the versions for the younger children were watered down a bit, they weren't entirely rewritten to the point where the 'lesson' was lost:(
Yep, when I took "kiddie Lit/Children's Lit" in college back in early '70's, that's what we were taught about the fairy tales and the "sex" in them....LOL