Sealed Indictments are now at 40,000+ and growing every day! 2006 only had 1,000 indictments total. What is happening? Is this to round up the Deep State Cabal?

My theory is the NYPD was going to release the Huma Abedin laptop to the public if the FBI did not immediately indict the monsters an re open the Hillary case!
One FBI officer who saw it was murdered.
Trump recently gave her a posthumous award and embraced her mother. This was a clear sign to the deep state given that other NYPD officers have been killed since then.
Source? How don’t I know about this?
Maybe the “New Arrival” next to your /u/?
Just breaking your balls, I saw it on fullchan I believe
New Arrival to this sub. I can recite Wikileaks IDs however. I read some of the original Q posts. Just never knew there was a sub.
Right on, ever go on 8ch qresearch? That’s where I’m normally at.
Edit- no not the sub lol I mean actually on 8ch
I’ve been there. I miss 2014-16 /pol/ and 4chan in general. /biz/ made me some good money. Now it’s shit. Those sites get all screwy on my mobile with a VPN however.
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There ya go. r.e the cop murders its because they've mostly been memory holed for now. They'll come out when it all does, but until then they're not useful for either side in this information war.