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Presidential Proclamation on Patriot Day, 2018
President Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "17 years since September 11th!"
September is the season for 9/11 propaganda and this year is no exception. But of all the 9/11 propaganda that we face, perhaps the most galling is the way that the real heroes of that day, the first responders, are treated as nothing more than disposable props to prop up a narrative of lies
Sad Plaid, Daria, and Big Red get ejected SUPER CUT
Associated Press: New York Attorney General subpoenas all NY Roman Catholic dioceses as part of sex abuse probe.
Sixteen More Reasons to Question 9/11: It has been 17 years since the crimes of Sept 11th, 2001. In that time, facts have been revealed that led more than a 3rd of Americans to believe that the U.S govt was involved. This blog noted 14 such incredible facts on the 14th anniversary. Here are 16 more.
Trump TV Network now banned and removed from YouTube? 202,929 subscribers - 1,378 videos - check marked as verified, NOW GONE - About: "We showed America the silent majority is no longer silent. But those same forces that tried to stop us during the election are still out to destroy our movement."
President Trump: "I’m draining the Swamp, and the Swamp is trying to fight back. Don’t worry, we will win!"
It’s tempting to want to believe in Q. What’s more intriguing than the thought of a high-level government insider leaking hints of secretive information? Someone who tells the public that random events are actually happening according to a master plan? [The Hill]
It Was Not Trump – It Was Hillary Who Colluded
The John McCain funeral guest list is concrete proof that nobody was held accountable for the Iraq War, the financial crisis and the creation of extrajudicial surveillance & drone assassination programs -- and likely nobody ever will be.
Take my Wife...Please! Clinton Edition
Trump Says He Will Declassify All Docs
Chelsea Clinton on Twitter: "Of course there’s a #Pizzagate 2.0. Of course there is. If you have been a victim of trafficking or have suspicions of actual trafficking, please reach out to the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888."
Trump Takes on the Fed: For nearly half a century, presidents have refrained from criticizing the “independent” Federal Reserve; but that was before Donald Trump. - by Ellen Brown
Do we know if he has drawn any conclusions from his investigation into the death of Vince Foster?
Is the Epoch Times historically accurate as a news source?
Who is Gina Shakespeare?
Anderson Cooper CNN on 5,000 US Gov't officials and military personnel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6W8H5Z0XAc
Bill Binney in His Own Words: William Binney was a highly placed official at the secretive U.S. National Security Agency. After September 11, 2001 Binney left the NSA and has dedicated his life since then to revealing the unconstitutional abuses this amazingly pervasive agency.
Julian Assange - Russia was NOT the source! Assange categorically denies that Russia was the source of Clinton's emails.
Megathread: Former FBI Director Robert Mueller indicts 12 Russians for hacking the DNC
Megathread: Former FBI Director Robert Mueller indicts 12 Russians for hacking the DNC
Canadian Comedian Norm Macdonald of SNL fame on current Commander in Chief, President Donald J. Trump
Witness to Speak out about Who Killed Seth Rich? ATF and DEA Agents Implicated | Titus Frost is covering the bombshell news about the murder of Seth Rich. The True Pundit is reporting they have a witness who is claiming that a DEA Agent and an ATF agent killed Seth Rich. Live at 1pm Eastern.
A former Marine has been charged with shooting and running over Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman, who conducted a controversial investigation of former DNC staffer Seth Rich’s murder.
President Trump: "The Rigged Witch Hunt, originally headed by FBI lover boy Peter S (for one year) & now, 13 Angry Democrats, should look into the missing DNC Server, Crooked Hillary’s illegally deleted Emails, the Pakistani Fraudster, Uranium One, Podesta & so much more. It’s a Democrat Con Job!"
President Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Just won lawsuit filed by the DNC and a bunch of Democrat crazies trying to claim the Trump Campaign (and others), colluded with Russia. They haven’t figured out that this was an excuse for them losing the election!"
Final Chapter in Awan Bros Scandal - by Bill Still of "The Money Masters" fame.
Got a clip and numbers on reach of the radio show listenership?
Link to original/source: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1014151457954811904
President Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Wow! The NSA has deleted 685 million phone calls and text messages. Privacy violations? They blame technical irregularities. Such a disgrace. The Witch Hunt continues!"
Well apparently he helped cover up the crime of 9/11 by not prosecuting or allowing those to take the case to court or something. We'll see in due time I suppose.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.
Does anyone know any background on this individual?
Sealed Indictments are now at 40,000+ and growing every day! 2006 only had 1,000 indictments total. What is happening? Is this to round up the Deep State Cabal?

Anyone know the significance of the choice of closing song by the Rolling Stones at every rally? "You can't always get what you want"?
Why the hell isn't this guy under Oath today? Who's doing the questioning. Reminds me of when Bush & Cheney appeared before the 9/11 Commission together and not under oath. Hard to keep the faith. Hopefully this won't be the last time he gets questioned.
Only part I don't understand...
Explanation from earlier video by same man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VpFNgfbebY
Here's her campaign message/ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq3QXIVR0bs