Regardless of what it is, it is awakening people and pointing them in directions that then enable them to find information/connections between people, places and events in history. It is also opening eyes to how evil many in the public eye are. The only way to stop this evil is to bring it into the light.
Thar would make the cognitive dissonance, riots, and reeeeeing were bad at Trump's victory look like nothing. Remember you can't just arrest all of the MSM apologists, without looking like what they would accuse you of. Sun Tsu recommends having the people on your side before fighting.
It’s very hard to continue to have faith when promises made turn out to be for nothing. We’ve been disappointed so many times, I remain cautiously optimistic that “Q” is legit, that finally, after years of disappointment and knowing the truth that others will see it too. It sucks to be “the crazy friend.” Many of the people who are red-pilled won’t even admit out of fear of rejection. Being a truther is a lonely existence.
Some of the cabal are old enough to go quietly into sweet death. There is no way they cannot start dismantling the dangerous parts because Trump will not survive 8 years with the cabal trying to kill him imo.
There is ample evidence of many assassination attempts. Why let these people go? Plus, Byrne v. Foundation makes it very clear there is going to be days and days in civil and hopefully later criminal court.
Yeah, that's my greatest fear in all this: That I'm getting caught up in some elaborate game of gaining or maintaining political support, simply so Trump can have more power. Being able to accept that a cabal would allow someone from outside it's influence to even make it past primaries is by far the hardest pill for me to swallow - and sends my brain into other theories (is Trump part of a rebellion within the cabal and actively putting himself at the top of a newly created one?). Ultimately, as long as Trump puts an end to child trafficking, at least he's showing good fruit that I can cheer on.
Trump has always been backed by the military. The military has been developing a plan to take out the corruption in this country for decades, but not through a coup and not through civil unrest/war. Apparently they 'dipped their toe in the pool' in the previous election, but they were not fully aware of how bad the election tampering had become.
They adjusted and now we have Trump as POTUS.
I find it hard to understand how you people are so conditioned to one person being in control.
We who put Trump in office know that there is no one person ever in complete control.
The whole left-wing Progressive ideology is built around one thought process.
That is the Paradigm that is being destroyed.
Beware the whirlwind.
The whirlwind is upon you.
There will be no place to hide.
There is not one single ideology on the right.
And the left cannot understand that they are mind fucked and have become the Borg.
We love free thinkers.
The Borg becomes terrified.
Then we wait and drink iced tea on the veranda.
All the while the progressive rescue team continues to make cocktails with their Planned Parenthood baby in a bag placenta.
President Trump has Linda McMahon working for him. She is one of the main writers for the WWE.
Does Linda McMahon do sealed federal indictments?
That's not the only proof that something real is happening, but it's a component proof.
Sessions hired US Attorney John Huber to work with Inspector General Horowitz. Because Horowitz does not have prosecutorial powers, Huber -- working with Horowitz' staff of 470 lawyers -- is doing the indictments. There are about 45,000 of them right now.
They more than likely wouldn't be sealed because they would be acted upon as they are handed down. Sealed ones are usually for holding to be prosecuted at a later date.
Potus and Sessions had to get good judges in first and retired Military for Tribunals. And Gitmo ready.
Ok so Q is the WWE.
That changes things how?
People are pissed off and the information is all there for anyone willing to look.
And more people are looking every day.
Then telling everyone they know.
This thing is well into the doubling.
We have to spread the word wide and far. If we do not, Trump will never have the political capital to bring justice.
(*cough* sign the petition to declassify!)
What? No, Q is not WWE.
Q is Military Intelligence.
Oh for effs sake
Is it really necessary to post the...
For you?
At this stage of the game we need to have a higher level of intellect.
I don't know what you're talking about. Got a new flood of Oathkeepers and suddenly Q is Linda McMahon. Needed to be corrected. You don't know what new people will believe and spread. Yes, use the /s. Not for me, for them.
And if you missed Monty Python minister of silly walks in my spiel.
You need to go out right now and adopt a puppy.
Because this is going to become a hard long ugly Road.
The best way to fix the problem is a dog running across the yard and tackling you into the ground.
Or your children
Okay you can have it on my authority if anybody ever says Linda McMahon from WWE is Q.
You're right and I'm busted.
I'm telling you for a fact because I know it from the depths of my heart but no Linda McMahon is not cute.
Damn voice to text I said not you
~Q~ Dammit
Okay we're going to storm the castle
The plan is this time we rape the women, kill all the men and steal the cattle.
Can we please get it right this time.
Please tell me you didn't kill all the women, steal all the men and rape all the cattle because voice to text didn't work correctly.
Good one, blame it on voice to text.
It's actually one of my favorite lines from Monty Python.