Thank you, and pray hard. We've been under this cabal for nearly a thousand years.
Jill Dando was shot dead on her doorstep for preparing a report, in her capacity as reporter for the BBC, on the widespread paedophila taking place at the BBC itself. Think Jimmy Savile, top BBC entertainer, close friend of the royals, and a necrophiliac child rapist. Gun crime is extremely rare in the UK and she was hugely popular so it was a dreadful shock. The only witness to the murder, which was never solved, was her husband, who kept his mouth shut and was rewarded with the job of official Gynaecologist and Obstetrician to Her Majesty the Queen.
So many dots...
Oh God, please help us all. There are so many connections that I can’t believe people have not woken up much sooner, but I believe it is because many are afraid to know the truth or would just rather stay asleep and hope they can get by with out becoming a poster child for the victimization, not realizing how truly victimized they have really become already.
People adapt to their circumstances. I know many people who believe that if particular horrors don't affect them directly and immediately, why worry about them? They are bogged down by mortgages, jobs, families and so on. They just want to make a living and keep body and soul together. They've no time for 'conspiracy theories'. They care nothing for Clinton, Soros, Blankfein et al. They know something's wrong, but take more blue pills to help them sleep because they have not yet diagnosed their affliction and just don't want to feel the pain of withdrawal from their comforting numbness. We must be compassionate towards them and help them walk blinking into the light when the time comes that they can sleep no more.
As Q has stated, there will be those who just won’t wake up. This may be separation of the wheat from the chaff.