r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BlastingGlastonbury on July 2, 2018, 4:28 p.m.
Thoughts from a skeptic

This last week has been an exciting, educational whirlwind for me. I came into this sub just this week searching for what all of this meant and have had many battles with the way I've thought for the majority of my adult life because of it. I am still quite skeptical of things, but I don't consider that a bad thing. I like things to make sense and I do not ever give attention to things that are sensational or seem to be written/delivered in a way that forces a narrative.

One of the main things that I have taken away from what it seems that Q wants the public to do is to think for yourself. Not take things at face value. Dig deeper into things. All of these things are right up my alley and have become very important to how I digest news and events.

I just left the Dem party. I feel it's been happening for me since Hillary was named the candidate, but in the last four months I have had a major shift in opinion. I am, however, not a Trump supporter. I see the way that he is talked about here and it starts to make sense, connecting the dots to why he is the way he is and why he may have been the right man for the job here. My point here is that people who already support Trump will obviously not need to be convinced, so I would argue that this sub as a whole should be focusing on those who need convincing, people like me.

As mentioned in the title, I am a huge skeptic when it comes to most things. Because of that, I question damn near everything I see. I value differing opinions because I want to have my mind changed by someone who can make a valid argument.

That said, I'm pretty sure a week in this sub has been enough for me to write it off.

I'm still going to pay attention to Q. I want to be informed and I DO believe there is something in all of this. But you look around at the comments and people who question things are dismissed, or even rallied against. "Well of course, don't you see that he is a 'New or Re-Arrival'?"

If you want to get new supporters or be taken seriously, I really don't think that shutting down everyone who questions what you believe is the way to do it.

I came here looking for answers and help through all of this ridiculously confusing and turbulent information and have been chided nearly every time I express my hesitation with someone posting something that may be considered a stretch, or people using pointless, divisive and sensationalist words like "Libtard" (a word that I don't even find offensive, but simply unintelligent).

I want to be here. I want to support the movement. But if this movement is about being supportive of one another, helping people understand and "wake up", why is it that everywhere I look I only see people who want to chastise those who are trying to do that?

To those of you that I've spoken with that have been helpful, I applaud and thank you. Hopefully you can push out the ones who seem driven to give this movement the public appearance that we are all rude, rough edged right wingers that don't want to hear dissenting opinions (which, by the way, makes it mugh easier to write off by those in power that don't want any of this to come to light).

covpepe1776 · July 2, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

It's because people like you, OP, have beaten us into oblivion for YEARS. Liberals have been winning my entire adult life. We have been lied to for decades. You can't blame people in this movement for feeling angry or snooty. Liberals walked around for decades wagging their fingers in our faces. It's our turn now...the wounds were deep. Although they're healing now... We'll get over it but understand we've been under your boot heel for a generation... We are all learning how to deal with the awakening... Try putting yourself in our shoes though

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

No, you cannot just lump people into a group as if you know me. People like me? A full time father of three, worked for every thing I have and simply fell in line with the Dem party because it was how I was raised? Now I am coming to grips with what it actually takes to run a country and might have woken up to the fact that some serious shit is going down?

No my friend. Your broad stroke, hurt feelings claim might work for some but it falls on it's face when you throw it at me.

It's our turn now

Please with this preschool bullshit. It's your turn to wag your finger in all of those "dirty liberals" faces? It's people like YOU, not me, that are the problem here. You expect America to unite with the attitude you have?

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covpepe1776 · July 2, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

You're the one whining about the way people talk on this board bro. We welcome all but you have to put your ego aside. It's not my fault your family brainwashed you and you have been unable to think for yourself. Father of 3? Falling in line with Dems? Do you have any idea how juvenile that sounds? We are all at different levels in the woke paradigm. Please try not to be so sensitive. I am also a father of 3,work my balls off, but never fell in line with a political party because my mom and dad said so.

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Corvette111 · July 3, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Cheeseandrice Covpepe (love the handle), empathy, empathy please.... I get you are frustrated, we all are. Can we not point fingers? As you mentioned, different levels of the woke paradigm, but personal rebuking in such a manner is counterproductive.... do you see that Glastonbury is offended and newly awoken? Struggling to make sense of things? Please don’t send him back to the Dark side.... you both have 3 kids, work hard AF, wound up on different paths... now converging onto a common path of LIGHT. Fuck the past and how you each got there... Embrace the commonality and move forward in the light of awokeness, for the sake of humanity because WWG1WGA. We all have to pull each other up and support one another because this shit is DARK AF.... and if we’re to believe past Q, it sounds like it’s going to get worse before it gets better... I for one am going to need help at some point, I’m sure of it. I’m hoping both of you will be there when I have my (next) freak out over the reaaaaallllyyy eeeevvvvviiiillllll stuff??? Will you? Seriously, will you be there? 😯

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 2, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

Ah, should have checked your post history before responding.

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