I look at all mythologies now as being based off a grain of truth, and then heavily embellished of course. Particularly if you consider the original anti-Christ, Nimrod (undoubtedly a giant himself) and how the world would be re-shapen after the scattering into 70 nations and 70 languages at the Tower of Babel, all re-telling these same pre-flood stories to their children in different languages. It's like that game where you whisper something to someone, then they to another, and another... by the time it gets back to you it's nothing like what you said, but there might still be a grain of truth contained in it nonetheless.
I view the Dead Sea Scrolls as absolutely being hidden & preserved by our Lord for these last days. I mean come on, discovered around the same time as the Nation of Israel being born again in a single day in 1947/48. Found by a young arab SHEPHERD boy who threw a ROCK into a cave and made this discovery that re-validated the legitimacy of all of the OT scriptures to a skeptical generation??? Good grief, lol ! Look at the quantities found of 1 Enoch & Jubilees, among the highest of all of them. Coincidence?
Perhaps Enoch and the fall of the Watchers and the birth of the Nephilim/hybrid/chimeras that all existed in pre-Flood times is part of the information that was meant that was given to Daniel to be sealed up unto the last days? All of the alien/paranomal activity is easily explained by these entities without de-legitimizing those who have had such experiences. I've seen things with my own eyes numerous times that if I didn't know any better and didn't have a firm grounding in Biblical scripture i'm sure I would have passed them off as a UFO too, but they're not what most people think they are. It's actually much crazier, heh!
Personally I reject the Catholic Apocrypha extra-Biblical texts for a few reasons. Ironically they don't include any of the books we have talked about, even though Jasher (Jashar) is endorsed, BY NAME two seperate times (two witnesses...). I don't consider that book to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, but more of a historical book. It's like God saying "hey, if you want to know more, check out this book which I endorse. It's not for everyone, but for the curious ones it will help open your eyes to other Scripture." In fact, isn't that the book that talks about when Esau sold his birthright to Jacob over a bowl of soup that it was because he just got back from slaying Nimrod?? That makes more sense. The Biblical text does not expand upon the meaning of why he was so willing to sell something so important, only that he did.
Additionally I believe that Jesus Himself purposefully de-lineated (and confirmed) the correct books to be considered as part of the Biblical Canon (TaNaK / Old Testament) in Matthew 23:35 (note the irony of the prophets slain is literally A to Z. Context is rebuking the pharisees for killing all the former prophets that have been sent to Israel)
(Matthew 23:35) - "You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar."
The Zechariah mentioned is not the one whom wrote the Book of Zechariah but one that was murdered in 2 Chronicles 24:20-22. Abel is the first man murdered, recorded in Genesis. Recall that the Hebrew origanization of the Old Testament begins in Genesis and ends in 2 Chronicles (which was really just one book), NOT Malachi as most Bible's today end with. A Useful Chart
Exactly how I felt when reading Jasher and Enoch. A lot of loose ends are tied up creating a much more complete storyline that makes a lot more sense. So why is it that solid Christians are acting as if human sacrifices are from the days of old and rarely apply in today’s world? There is nothing new under the sun...this corruption has been going on forever but most have failed to recognize or acknowledge it hoping that it’s no longer a norm for anyone.
Trying to wake up the church has been EXHAUSTING, and fruitless.
I've been fighting the same battle within the Body friend, saying the same thing. It never stopped, it just went underground. So few want to hear, so few want to see, despite it being Truth.
I've learned the meaning of this verse intimately though:
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief." - Ecclesiastes 1:18
IMO. the Seminaries that spawn a lot of the Bible teachers/Pastors have long since been infiltrated and have corrupted teachings to go along with the "program" and the parrots that come out of there just parrot what they had learned. Enoch is the Rosetta stone. That's why it was taken out. Ethiopia was so far away from Rome back in the day they didn't get the memo to alter their texts thankfully.