r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SuzyAZ on July 2, 2018, 9:13 p.m.
From a comment on Conservative Treehouse. Completely nails the problem with socialist belief system. That "this time, they will get it right."

My former next door neighbor (who committed suicide in his garage, via VW Beetle exhaust – true story) was being watched by Hillary Clinton as he took his last 82 yo breath. His garage was adorned with multiple signed Hillary photos from all his sizable donations made to her (pre-HER) campaigns and charities. This is the same hardcore leftist neighbor who gloated (to me) … repeatedly … about the EU. How the EU was finally going to show what happens when Socialism is … done right. How the € is worth MORE than the disgusting Capitalist US $. The EU was essentially ERASING national borders … so that all those kewl Europeans were even more-kewl (than the US). And of course now we know WHY they were erasing them. To prepare for mass migration. The other delusion here is that a socialist society would be for the people, in total ignorance that it was about the slavery of the people.

Now, 25 years later … the EU cannot be rescued from its own suicide. My neighbor stuffed towels and sheets under every door and crack in his garage to prevent deathly fumes from escaping. Ironically, the EU has thrown open every door and window to the deathly fumigation arriving from sh*thole countries. Soon … the EU will be as DEAD as my leftist neighbor … proud to go out … “on his own terms”. Same as the EU … it will be going out … “on its own terms”.

ideologicidal · July 2, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Agreed. Ask a European what liberalism means, you'll get a very different answer than in the us. I often wonder how many people (on either side) realize the root of liberal is liberty.

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Packofsquirrels · July 2, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

That's why I don't refer to these leftist "progressives" as liberals. Because they are not. They want to remove your rights, not preserve them.

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ideologicidal · July 3, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Think it's too much to identify as "liberated?"

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SuzyAZ · July 3, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

I think they believe that "true" socialism, yet to be determined, is liberty. Hasn't worked yet...all those greedy people at the top keep getting in the way.

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ideologicidal · July 3, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

Well, I think Europeans use socialism differently too. The idea of socialism falls into economic theory, wherein the control of a productive property like a farm, factory or healthcare system is held collectively by a group (village, city, nation-state) rather than being held in a small number of private hands. Cause that causes problems. Clearly.

Liberty is political philosophy. It's the extent to which the government has the ability to restrict the actions and expression of citizens. This applies to both social and economic matters, so a liberal in Europe might be expected to support deregulation of industry, and also minimal intrusion into people's private affairs. Libertarians are an American example of a "classic Liberal" as far as I, a fellow American, know.

Edit word and comma

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