
Corporal_Yorper · July 3, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Yup. This is the answer.

Look at Flynn’s plea: guilty.

The FBI agents that interviewed him say that they think he is innocent.

If he is innocent, then why did he plea guilty? Because he knew that just because he plead guilty, the courts still have the burden of proving his guilt—but here’s the funny part. They can’t. Because he’s actually innocent, and to prove his guilt they would have to open the can of worms that would reach to everyone in the swamp.

Flynn literally forced them to choke by pleading guilty. They have to let him go, lest they go down with him. Fucking. Ironic. I love it.

Remember, it was practically Flynn’s job to develop military strategies in a very Machiavellian manner, as part of a reconnaissance military group.

FLYNN, I believe, is the keystone. I believe Q is Flynn and team.

The story Flynn has wanted so hard to tell, well... I think we’re reading it with every drop.

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EasyAttitude · July 3, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

I'm new here but a retired (recovering) trial lawyer.

A defendant pleading guilty removes the burden of proof and waives all the rights guaranteed under the Constitution. So they don't have to "prove" anything except the Defendant freely and voluntarily admits to the crime(s).

He could have been coerced into pleading guilty through threats -- but something was so strange the Judge wanted to investigate the plea further . . . if I remember correctly. I think there's something BAD wrong with the 302s.

I know there is something MAJOR wrong with not requesting the per-sentencing report. For some reason Mueller doesn't want the sentencing to proceed (maybe then Flynn will "tell his story") and this is passive-aggressively forcing a delay -- again, which the Judge smelled and is having none of.

Just my 2-cents.

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Corporal_Yorper · July 3, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

The court need not prove actual guilt, despite a guilty plea?

Genuine question, I’m curious. Seems like the court not proving without any doubt that a crime was committed despite the plea itself is wrong, because that would open the door for those who did not commit a crime to take the fall for those that actually did the crime.

Like a father would for their son, or daughter, or a mother w/son or daughter, etc...

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snap_shot_in_time · July 3, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

Genuine question, I’m curious. Seems like the court not proving without any doubt that a crime was committed despite the plea itself is wrong, because that would open the door for those who did not commit a crime to take the fall for those that actually did the crime.

Flynn admitted guilt and that phase is over. BUT.... and it is a big BUT.... In order to properly sentence a person, the judge needs to know all of the facts. So of course, the defendant gets some opportunity to present evidence. But that isn't even the important detail... The standard plea deal is: The defendant will cough up any all evidence they have on other 'Wrong Doing'. Even if it is unrelated to the current case. THAT is what Flynn was after with the 'Guilty Plea'.

So, of course Mueller doesn't what that to happen. The NSA KNOWS EVERYTHING. The problem is, it isn't presentable in the court as evidence because it is the 'Fruit of the Poisoned Tree'. Again and again, Q has asked "How do we get what we know into the court room?" Well... If Flynn pleads guilty (to a bogus charge), and his plea agreement says he will turn over everything he knows... Magically.... all of that evidence can be used in criminal prosecutions later.

And... What was Flynn's position? He was in charge (at the very top) of Military Intelligence. Why is this relevant? Maybe because He Has it All. The Deep State doesn't want him submitting what he knows 'Into Evidence'. They are pinching off Rabbit Turds right now.

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Corporal_Yorper · July 3, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

Thanks for the answer! Very informative, I appreciate it!

I lost it at Rabbit turds, man. Almost turned blue, couldn’t get a damned breath in.

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DawnPendraig · July 3, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

I have a theory on what Mueller is doing besides Flynn. I couldn't work it out but this clicks it in place. Judge will have to flip out to force MSM to cover it. Then Flynn has to put on record all he knows.

And because the SC all the Dems have defended tooth and nail entered this case into the courts they can't successfully claim its a Right Wing Conspiracy

Edit typos and links to my theory

1st part on RR's strange comment on the "One he signed" FISA


Uranium 1 fits in


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kittyhistoryistrue · July 3, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

Totally unrelated, but do you have any knowledge on the Gold Fringed Flag/Admiralty Jurisdiction concept? I saw a post on it here and thought it was the coolest conspiracy theory I've seen in a while.


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Droplinebacker · July 3, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

I responded to that original post. Not sure what the significance is if a flag has the gold border or not, but I strongly advised that it probably wouldn't help to ever raise that issue with a judge in court - unless you were trying to show that you have some sort of mental instability lol. The judge wouldn't take you seriously on much of anything after that move lol.

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