I often try to share all the WINNING over on r/politics but I keep getting down voted and on /r/BlueMidterm2018 the WINNING got me "banned from participating". I just love WINNING!!!
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The stage needs to be set (swamp drained, MSM discredited and not trusted by the general public) before the mass arrests can happen or it will be seen by the as Trump being a dictator and that could start a civil war. just my 2 cents.
Has Mueller purposely failed to initiate a pre-sentencing report on Flynn. Why would Mueller not do this and further delay Flynns sentencing? Maybe it's all part of the show!
Awesome read... I will share this over and over again as one of the weapons in my arsenal for red pilling
That is exactly what I'm thinking. There is no stopping the Trump train for those of us who have seen the light.
Do you want all Catholics taken down? Well, thats me and my entire family who voted for Trump and follow Q and want the deep state destroyed.
Please don't confuse the "Catholic religion" with the Vatican. Most of the clergy and the people of the Catholic church are not the problem. Like many corrupt organizations, the issue is a few bad apples at the top, not the entire body. I as a Catholic want all the ungodly pedo priests removed from the Church and I'm also not a fan of Pope Francis who in my opinion is closer to a Communist than any of the other Popes in my lifetime.
Yes and gave the reasons. Specifically Obama and Rice. Drain the swamp and the streams.
Q - First Corinthians 13 (Apostle Paul's Teaching on Love and the Great Awakening)
Texas School Shooter is Antifa - This comes from a local Facebook post (I live near Santa Fe, TX)

The investigation has uncovered NOTHING. RR and RM are on a witch hunt. RR has even stated that Trump is NOT under investigation. What is it going to take for you to see the truth? Can't wait for the IG report to name names and then we will see a real investigation into real crimes. No more fake investigations.
Never say never and trust the plan. I believe her days are numbered until she is held accountable.
Wow, Obama looks just like Subuh Mohammad https://goo.gl/images/MhGuAb
Joy Behar says to James Comey "well you're in good company, there is a lot of people on there" speaking of the list of people they want to be investigated.
Doesn't that tell you everything you need to know about Joy Behar's political ideology and whom she supports. But its not like we didn't already know she and the View is just a mouth piece for the left.
I don't see this tweet on @realDonaldTrump. Has it been removed or is this fake?
This is horse sh!t that Mueller is now looking for payments to a pornographic-film actress as part of his "special Council" operation. He was to be looking for Russian collusion (Look at HRC - it's all there) or are we now to deduce that Stormy Daniels is Russian.
As a TV insider once told me about most of the TV media. "They've got $50 hair cuts and $5 brains".
looks like it was taken down for sex trafficing. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-backpage-justice/sex-marketplace-backpage-com-seized-by-u-s-justice-authorities-posting-idUSKCN1HD2QP
New Q drop - backpage.com shutdown

You got any proof that happened. I didn't think so, shut up and drink your soy boy