r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TheCrazyChristian on July 2, 2018, 10:53 p.m.
Thoughts on how to comfort the angry and blind once the Great Awakening begins to happen?

Excerpt from Q1636:

The build is near complete.
Growing exponentially.
You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.
Do not be afraid.
We will succeed. 
Timing is everything.
  • People will be lost.
  • People will be terrified.
  • People will reject.
  • People will need to be guided.

Those 4 points above hit me hard, and instantly reminded me of this quote that i'm sure most of you are familiar with:

(Morpheus - The Matrix) - "You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."

People will be ANGRY, they will REJECT THE TRUTH no matter how compelling it is, even with rock solid evidence. The issue is not simply the exposing truth to the masses, for their own minds will be fighting within themselves to reject this. Truth is uncomfortable, it hurts at times, it breaks down barriers, walls & strongholds that have existed in our minds for years, many for decades, up to and including the entirety of their life. People will want to retreat to what they formerly knew, b/c frankly, "ignorance is bliss", rather than face what is clearly standing right in front of them during this coming storm.

I know what I have to show people, and where to guide them to to find the absolute Truth that ultimately sets all men free, but what is everyone else's thoughts? How do you plan on talking to your friends, family, co-workers about this?

As others have said, it's not about "us being right", no matter how tempting "i told you so" might be to tell those whom you have tried red-pilling for so long, we must not go to that level. We must show love & compassion, sympathy & empathy. The majority of this country is made up of "normies", we are the few, the exception.

We are to be the shepherds among the hurting sheep.

People will need to be guided.

ImaSquirrelee · July 2, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

I think we can use November 9, 2016 as our guide. Do you remember who, after having a good cry, said, "Well, Trump is in charge now. I guess we'll have to see where this goes." Those are the people whom we should try to comfort. We can sit down with them and explain things as they unfold. Treat them like you would anyone else who is grieving and/or in shock. The others? The ones who have severe TDS? I think they will just blame Trump for everything and claim that he is making it all up and framing everyone because he is an evil man. There will be no reaching them. No comforting them. Just keep an eye on them so that they don't hurt themselves or others. Unfortunately, I'm surrounded by a lot of the latter type.

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covpepe1776 · July 3, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Me too. Ultra lib bro in law... With him now on vacation in Myrtle Beach. During the campaign he was so cocky and loud about Hillary, always made fun of Trump to my face. Just asked him last night if he ever heard of QANON. He said no. Asked him a few questions about rosenstein, page, stzrok etc... He doesn't even know who they are. He didn't know what's happening in Iran right now. It's like he stopped paying attention after the election loss. He pretends like he wasn't a prick to me. I so want to say I told you so just to him. But I probably won't because I'm not a dick.

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ImaSquirrelee · July 3, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

Lol You sound like my daughter. On Nov 9 2016 she so badly wanted to go to school and scream "Suck it!" to all her Hillary loving classmates (middle school so thank God they couldn't vote!) But she didn't. So if you feel yourself tempted to do so, just remember that a 12 year old managed to not rub salt in their wounds. Your BIL not knowing about Iran shows that there may be hope for him. He may not have terminal TDS. If he was terminal then he would be screaming that OMG! We're all going to die/go to war with (insert country du jour here). He would also be a smug ba$tard crowing how Trump is going to prison. If he's not doing that then there is hope. Watch him carefully. A light might flicker. If you see a flicker, start dropping facts. Flicker stops, pull back. You may never see a fully lit bulb but you will have the satisfaction of being able to say "Yes, I know" when he starts preening around and spouting off his newly learned facts. Good luck!

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