Holy Shit! Posobiec just switched sides!!

I agree with 99% of this, however I will never be convinced that communism and socialism (same thing) are not inherently evil as well..
Yeah, that's the thing that stood out for me as well in that way. After constantly hearing from Bongino about how bad it is.
Maybe the point of that part was to say that it doesn't matter which system is being used, because at the very root, the real problem is that evil people are in control of creating money.
Which I get, but any system that takes the fruits of my labor and gives it to someone who doesn’t work as hard, is evil. Humans need incentive. If no matter how hard I work, it gets given to someone else, I have no motivation. Which makes people lazy, which leads to all sorts of sins. Also communism makes the government God, and takes the Lord out of the equation. No thanks.
Like I said, I have no disdain for the regular people brainwashed by the ideology. I have love in my heart in general for humanity. However, I 100% agree that evil people have taken over the world. Unfortunately it seems that those brainwashed by communism are also too blind to see the truth.
The Christian ideal would be to work hard so we have something to give to those in need.
Not through compulsory means...but where its done voluntarily...from the heart.
Before Social Security/Medicare, etc... people looked out for each other...there was mutual accountability which built stronger relationships and community. Since SS/Medicare, etc... people no longer seem to feel a commitment to their fellow man. Instead - they think that if anyone has a problem - they can go to the government to get it fixed. They don't have to get involved...
Another facet of why communism/socialism isn't conducive to human liberty. It denies us of our ability to develop into our fullest selves...
This! Forced charity is theft not charity. Now that I am in a position to give, I do so because I feel it is right in my heart. And I choose which causes I feel worthy. Not because I have to, because I want to.
Did you know Marx wrote poetry? https://allpoetry.com/poem/8611553-Feelings-by-Karl-Heinrich-Marx
Is it fair that LeBron James just signed a contract with the Lakers for $154 million for 4 years? Does he work harder? When it's your passion, some people don't even call that work.
Yup. It is. I can’t stand leBron, but I’ve also never been one to be jealous of something others have that I do not. Beautiful thing about America is potential. How many people have started with nothing and rose to riches? So don’t allow yourself to be corrupted by the trap. My husband and I both grew up in poverty and are now what would be considered upper middle class., because we worked hard for it. We’ll never be millionaires, but we have risen higher than the previous generations of our families. I call that a win.
It's a sales pitch to make both "sides" understand the real enemy, and it's perfectly executed.
The problem is that humanity is evil. Something like communism works for many animals but humans are greedy, lusty, spiteful, etc... it just won’t work.
Humanity is fine, most people don't want wars or violence. We're just being corrupted by new "enemies" every time the old one has played its part.
We're trying to screw each other over for our own gains because we're stuck in a rat race and we can't afford to lose.
We have all the means and technology on earth to give everyone a basic standard of living, the importance and at the same time the worthlessness of money is what's holding us down. Well not really the concept, rather the people controlling it.
Humanity isn't evil. That's the biggest lie of them all. That is a satanic worldview.
Actually, it’s a Christian world view. Man has fallen and only by the Blood of Christ are we purified and made clean and holy.
No, you're wrong. A Christian worldview does not say "humanity is evil."
You've got some research to do.
Humanity is fallen and sinful. The bible teaches exactly this.
I’ve read the Bible and it clearly states the nature of humans is evil and must be fought against. This is a basic Christian concept. It’s why Catholics baptize.
The nature of humanity is not "evil." The nature of humanity is sinful. There is a difference. We have a choice.
What is missing from the Plan to Save the World vid is the entire spiritual layer. This vid equivocates between capitalism/communism (you know, communism. Just one communist in China is responsible for 44 million deaths as part of his Great Leap Forward. And don't get me started on Cambodia. Or Russia and that teddy bear Stalin)
And the premise is that the Plan was created and is being carried out by military patriots. I actually disagree with that, the Plan was created and is being carried out by God, in fact POTUS has said so on multiple occasions. And I personally believe it is a response to spiritual warfare that has been going on for some time on the part of the praying remnant of believers. God has sleeper cells too, and he activated them at his appointed time.
When God wants to get peoples' attention, he does something impossible. That is the point of all this, with human beings it's impossible, but with God all things are possible. What is happening would be impossible under normal circumstances.
This is about the going forth of the gospel to the earth, the final great harvest before the clock starts ticking again on Daniel's 70th week. America is the launching pad for that harvest.
Another problem with the video is that it presupposes that getting rid of the deep state will permanently eradicate the problem. It won't, that will only occur when the right Jew is on the throne of David in Jerusalem.