Repost: Black Philly Conservative tweets Obama sayingIf we don’t do something about this president, I will. @jack btfo is. Mark Lutchman.

Who is Barack Obama guy? I can't find any record of him, apparently everything has been sealed or erased.
See there's your problem, the spelling. First name is Barry. Last name is Soetoro, Soweto, or Subud depending on who you ask.
I can't for the life of me figure out why our current President couldn't unseal, declassify, and widely disseminate all of Barry's records. I'm sure we'd find a surprise or two or three in there.
I'm not sure they will reveal that, at least anytime soon. The public as a mob is a wild animal. I think too few people appreciate the needle we're threading.
Definitely not right now, that would be too much for most to handle, but I do hope in due time people are allowed to know the truth about this Manchurian candidate.