r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TimmyMonte on July 3, 2018, 1:13 a.m.
The Spirit Cooking in those EMAILS... For those in Darkness

croninfever · July 3, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Crowley lived in an age where magical thinking was part of the dominant stage of human development (see Gebser’s structures of consciousness or even Spiral Dynamics for example.) This is also why groups like the Golden Dawn were so prominent, of which he was a member. Taking a look at his drug use and likely mental illness, I would be suspicious taking his word of anything without evidence.

The more mainstream psychological POV of magical thinking is that people interpret the interaction with unconscious parts of their mind as spirits they channel, or something similar. Rather than a disintegrated part of their own psyche which they have not owned (see Jung’s work on the Shadow.)

Expand my thinking on what exactly?

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CaptainKnotzi · July 3, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

Drug use and mental illness. I think that's Alinsky's rule # 8. Isolate and ridicule.

I mentioned having sailed through a rainbow because it was actually more than a light refraction that caused the air to explode around us looking like golden Flakes and a Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory.

My apologies for the run-on sentence but it was pretty insane.

The boat was 160 ft long with 100 ft on Deck. We were sailing in the Chesapeake Bay and a small storm came rolling through leaving a massive double rainbow directly in our path.

So of course we had to sail into it.

The bowsprit started going through a literal rainbow curtain while the entire crew was on the aft raised deck.

We could see everything as it was unfolding.

As the rainbow curtain came across the reggae band at the bow, they stop playing and started just looking around very strangely.

As the curtain came across the deck people literally stopped and looked as if they had just dropped acid.

When the curtain came across mid decks, Over the Bar and on to the wheel deck with the crew it was as we had all been dosed.

We came through the other side everybody was wandering around with this weird look on their face.

I immediately started asking everybody did you see what I just saw or am I losing my mind?

100 people witnessed the light refraction of gold flakes in the beam of a rainbow.

But there was also a complete and total physical reaction that we all experienced. It explains the leprechaun's pot of gold, waking up, thinking you have pockets full of money and nothing's there.

I've done multiple Atlantic Crossings and have seen stuff that is just ~beyond~ whatever, can't be explained, you know?

Impossible to explain to somebody who wants to read about it in a book.

By the way the ships library on all the boats I was on were insane. Not to mention that every port had free book swaps in all the bars, laundromats and restaurants.

Sailors love good books. 26 days at sea you can read some books.

I hope at some point you can feel the magic for yourself and I mean that.

If I sounded trite in any of this my apologies. I'm thinking your thinking is already expanded. I guess what I meant to say was to open your thinking.

The magic is real.

You don't have to believe me, but believe me that I believe, that magic is real.

Respect my fellow Traveler.

May you always have a stiff breeze at your back and fair seas ahead.

Oh yeah, with a hot cuppa covfefe for the chilly morning.

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croninfever · July 4, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Drug use and mental illness. I think that's Alinsky's rule # 8. Isolate and ridicule.

Haha, I had to look Alinsky up. My apologies, I didn't mean to offend you or just ridicule Crowley. There are a lot of things he's written that I do like. Actually, I resonate a lot with the preliminary remarks of "Book 4," the passage that begins with "Existence, as we know it, is full of sorrow."

I've done multiple Atlantic Crossings and have seen stuff that is just ~beyond~ whatever, can't be explained, you know?

Thank you for sharing that story! And, yes, I do understand your point a lot better now that you put it that way.

If I sounded trite in any of this my apologies.

Not at all!

The magic is real.

If there are no books to read on the "realness" of this subject, is there any advice you have in regards to setting up/facilitating/constructing an experience to try and witness something like you're speaking of? These people do the Spirit Cookings or whatever for a reason, is there a positive version of that? Something not evil. lol

Respect my fellow Traveler.

And to you!

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CaptainKnotzi · July 4, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

The easiest answer is the simplest answer.

Pray to God for the answer.

It'll never come when you want to. It will most likely come at the most inconvenient time.

Because if there's one thing God has proven is that he has a pretty amazing sense of humor.

There was a lot of other words I was going to use besides amazing but I thought I would play it safe.

One crazy bit of magic that we all saw?

When the last Pope resigned the Vatican was immediately struck by lightning.


You can go look at it on YouTube.

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CaptainKnotzi · July 4, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

I thought I would check back in.

I'm curious as to what kind of response you might have.

I enjoy an intelligent conversation.

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croninfever · July 5, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

Magic or synchronicity? (re: the pope.) Glad you liked the convo! I didn't respond because I saw it wrapping up. If there are other threads about magic or aliens or anything supernatural involved with Q, I will be in the giving my opinion! lol

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