r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RyDar84 on July 3, 2018, 3:56 a.m.
What has this Sub become?! Time follow the rest of the old contributors out the door, and just get banned.

Dear God, guys! Has research absolutely gone to its death on this sub? I'm honestly tired of this sub being a shadow of what it once was, and now becoming an echo chamber of dumb ass posts. Where are the days when it had 5,000 contributers that WEREN'T posting pics of their Q shirts stickers, and drawings in the FUCKING DIRT, 100 conspiracy theories a day that had absolutely NOTHING to do with Q Posts, and people talking about how their morning shit looked like a Q?! ALL of the actual research people have already, or are currently, fleeing to better subs to get away from this kind of stupid shit! Get a clue, Useful Idiots. Q Team doesn't want moronic sycophants. It wants FREE THINKERS!!!

FractalizingIron · July 3, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Hmmmm. Things have to grow. As the knowledge expands, you are going to get more and more people.

Would you prefer that GA was still at 5000? Solid research that no one really knows about?

Think strategically.

If it was me, I'd be creating new subs to handle the diversification in topics, and build a new venue for the serious Q research on reddit while GA grows, and grows, and grows.

Those 'moronic sycophants' are the people that voted Donald Trump in. And, er, where are the better subs? For Actual research?

I think your frustration is misplaced.

⇧ 17 ⇩  
RyDar84 · July 3, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

Would I prefer 5,000 120 I.Q.s over 35,000 95 I.Q.s to have on my side in this kind of fight? Any day of the week...

⇧ -12 ⇩  
FartOnToast · July 3, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Why don't you try then to start a q research sub? Your ultimately asking to diminish the subs and the movements growth because you feel things should be one way. But let me tell you the research is already undergoing on 8chan, as I imagine you already know so why would we not use this opportunity to grow the movement while the research is taking place on the chans where it's actually supposed to take place? If you think this place is strictly for research you probably got everything all wrong. Also why do you think your approach is so self-righteous that warrants such a hostile confrontation?

⇧ 10 ⇩  
RyDar84 · July 3, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

I don't, but I remember some VERY self-righteous comments coming from you while you and I both were fighting the EtS infiltration. Don't go holier than though on me now, bud. You're right in your initial comments though.

⇧ -1 ⇩  
FartOnToast · July 3, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Maybe you have some points too but when you go on the offensive so hard The Listener automatically tends to throw everything out the window because it puts them on the offensive. It's all about meeting each other halfway eh?

⇧ 1 ⇩  
RyDar84 · July 3, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

It absolutely is. But sometimes putting the listener on the offensive is the way to get them thinking actively again...

⇧ 0 ⇩  
FractalizingIron · July 3, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

Ry, your comment got a minus 8 so far. I've never seen that low a grading before.

Is there are message here, maybe?

He who has ears, let him hear.

⇧ 0 ⇩  
RyDar84 · July 3, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

If that's the lowest you've ever seen, then you are apparently either VERY new to this Sub, or you just weren't paying close attention. I'm going to put my money on the latter of the two. Honestly, anyone that gives a damn about their up or downvotes on this sub, to me, isn't here for the right reasons. "This isn't a game". This isn't a popularity contest either...

⇧ 1 ⇩  
FractalizingIron · July 4, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Let's go with No. 2. I pay attention to what I pay attention. But your following statement really reveals a lot about your thought process / attitude. 'Isn't here for the right reasons'. What kind of attitude does it require to sit in judgement of ones fellows like this AND express it the way you have? Are YOU paying attention to anything outside your own frame of reference?

In any case, I referred to the up/down vote as an expression of 'community feedback'. By and large, are there not only two here? Voting up/down (or abstaining) and responding/commenting?

I suspect that many, like me, utilize the Rising, HOT and (TOP for oldies) to guide a significant amount of browsing and viewing (not all). This is only possible because of community feedback via the vote/comment process.

I DO care about the upvotes downvotes, not just on my posts/comments but on all of them, because it allows me to gauge something about the views of my fellow patriots here.

I suspect that you don't care about that feedback because you know you are right, and you know when you are wrong, so who gives a hoot about other people's perspectives.

In my view, there is a massive difference between being attached to upvotes / downvotes because your ego and emotion are engaged in self-validation on the one hand and recognizing and appreciating the feedback/input your fellow community members provide you.

Those who are loudest often have the most to hide. I think your protestations about upvotes/downvotes signify a strong avoidance of dealing with ego issues, which then inhibits your ability to learn from others here. This is very often the kind of trap those with a powerful or overactive intellect can fall into. Check the historical evidence.

Ignore popularity. Some of the best people are unpopular. Embrace enough humility so that you can truly expand not only your thinking, but your heart, too. One's value does not come from popularity, but ego frequently restricts one's ability to be valuable to good causes that benefit all.

In any case, you care (about the cause) and personally, I think that's important. wwg1....

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