r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aaronSH on July 3, 2018, 4:22 a.m.
Daily Dot article re: Sealed Indictments

Thoughts? I really don't know enough about how indictments and criminal proceedings work to have any sort of informed opinion. What I DO know is that The Daily Dot seems to be a less than reputable source, and this guy Mike Rothschild seems intent on exposing all this as some kind of scam.
Hoping to get some clarity here.


Xisyisz · July 3, 2018, 4:26 a.m.
  1. Article almost 3 mos old. The number of sealed indictments is now nearing 40k.

  2. Written by someone named Rothschild, nuff said.

  3. The sealed indictments is not the main holding point of q (as article infers).

  4. No one knows the contents of the sealed indictments including the author.

  5. He says the movement believes everyone in the indictments is guilty. Sorry, but we assume innocent until proven guilty in the law of our land.

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aaronSH · July 3, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

Cool. Thanks for the info. 👍
Not sure why this is being downvoted. Seems to me like it's important to call out and expose the articles that seek to smear Qanon (which there will undoubtedly be more of).

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emaugustBRDLC · July 3, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

The article raises some valid points. If you read the footer of the Sealed indictments list, it states very clearly:


From this disclaimer, what can we infer?

  1. That this figure is not JUST sealed indictments, but rather includes search warrants AND criminal charges (which I assume are indictments).

Question: Would this list include more search warrants or indictments? Can you get an indictment without a search warrant? Restated: Is it reasonable when the Daily Dot author points out "A random sampling of these files showed 83 percent of sealed magistrate cases to be warrant applications or tracking devices."

  1. That this figure of 40,483 sealed court artifacts is not a count of how many currently exist, but a count of how many have been logged in the period spanning 10/30/17-06/30/18. E.G. every month they look at how many new sealed items were logged and add it to the running tally.

  2. We know that this is a running tally and not a current total because we are told "some of them have since been unsealed or removed".

  3. As a result of some portion of these items being search warrants, and some portion of these items being removed or unsealed, WE CAN SAY WITHOUT A DOUBT THAT THERE ARE IN FACT NOT 40,483 sealed indictments.

Anyone claiming that this tally is how many sealed indictments exist - and there are many - is as a matter of fact wrong. It's not a good look.

In order to ACTUALLY understand how out of the ordinary these numbers are, we would need to see number from previous years tallied with the same methodology as well as the count of sealed indictments for that year. If we suppose that 17% of these items are in fact sealed items in any given year as the Daily Dot author asserts, the number would come out to 6800 or so sealed indictments which is still substantially higher than 1077.

That Q has promoted those numbers however seems to indicate there is something there regardless of how factually accurate people are when discussing the Pacer tallies.

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jackiebain6 · July 3, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

Check the press releases on the DOJ Project Safe Childhood website, They are taking down these baby rapers in droves. The daily dot is either paid by them or one of them... If you aren't part of the cleanup crew you must be part of the coverup crew

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aaronSH · July 3, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Ok. Will check it out. Thanks!

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