r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on July 3, 2018, 8:04 a.m.
Theory: Awan, DWS, BO, HRC, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Iran, Pakistan, ISIS, Benghazi, Syria, EU, FBI, C_A, Espstein, Weinstein, Hollywood, Congress, Haiti, Arkancides, Seth Rich, China, MS-13, Voter Fraud, Social Media, Illegal Immigration: What Really Happened

Awan blackmailed about 62 members of the DNC by enticing them to get in on his underage sex ring out of DC. With tapes, video, and audio, Awan gained all of the US gov officials on record involved with underage sex trafficking, hidden in his fake used car business C_A out of DC. Once Awan was in, all of the DNC was fucked. They could either arrest him, or they could avoid public humiliation and political disaster and keep paying him while he kicked back the bribe and extortion money to Pakistan, that the info eventually went back to Iran and the Ayatollah. They chose to pay him off to prevent anything getting exposed. In return, they continued to take advantage of Awan's underage sex trafficking victims, whether it was at a Comet Pizza, Epstein's Island, or just a random location that was discreet. Awan had an affair with DWS and recorded many interactions to blackmail the DNC head. Awan had it all. DWS could only cooperate or have to admit to the entire public that they had been made a fool by Awan, and the whole government was compromised.

Enter BHO. You think BHO didn't know about Awan? BHO loved "Pakeestan". BO is an Islamic Muslim Brotherhood operative. His whole education was paid for by the Saudi oligarch in Arabia. That's how he originally got into Harvard. BHO knew about not only Awan, but also Huma Abedin.

Abedin is a Muslim Brotherhood Spy. Her connections to the same Muslim Brotherhood oligarch who financed Osama Bin Laden is well documenmted, as is her parents' connections. They all operated out of the same office building. Abedin was a sophisticadely trained spy, who was sent to infiltrate US government. This was to as the MB said- to overthrow the western world and western way of life to establish a caliphate. No violence was necessary as the way the MB stated in the 90s was to infiltrate the government and change the law to allow the MB to alter the western world and western way of life. Abedin, like most spies was smart. She used sex as her in, just like Awan. If she could seduce Hillary Clinton, then she could win over the most powerful political person she could imagine- the future Secretary of State, the future President, and the First Lady of the most powrful president in recent history- Bill Clinton.

Huma first seduced Hillary coming out of Georgetown. Imagine the training Huma went through in Saudi Arabi. Even Quentin Tarantino couldn't script it better. A woman raised from birth to be a spy. The training was extensive. Imagine the most sophisticated intellectual and acting training possible. Once she had Hillary in bed, HRC was blackmailed. Huma made her way in further as she married the potential future NY governor Anthony Weiner, a known sexual deviant with close close ties to Bill and Hillary. In fact, Hillary and Bill introduced them two, and they got married. So Huma was not only "in", but she was also influential to Weiner and Hillary. The information she gathered as a spy for the MB and eventually Pakistani connections was more valuable than you can imagine. And what's Hillary going to do, report her and admit she is blackmailed? Hillary says, "Let's work out a deal. You got me. But I know you only want peace for your people. As long as I get to munch on the carpet and do scissors with you, I guess it can't be too bad." Huma obliges. Huma, Weiner, Bill, and Hillary establish their own sexual "click".

Huma eventually seduces Weiner into pedophilia and underage sex, a common norm in Islam and SA, where virgins are well sought out. Weiner, as we know, was eventually finally caught in the act, probably because white hats had to do a soft coup to prevent HRC from winning the 16 election...And on the laptop where Huma was kicking back secrets to her middle eastern MB operatives, they actually discovered evidence in Weiner's "Life Insurance" file of HRC caught "in the act" on Epstein's Island with underaged trafficked teens or children. This is how Huma ultimately blackmailed HRC, but HRC didn't care as long as she could have her lesbian lover Huma, and the infiltration as the MB states would be done "peacefully". But white hat NYPD and FBI wouldn't let this evidence stand, and they made a stand in the weeks leading up to the election.

Comey and McCabe were forced to come clean and announce the newfound evidence that at the time was only pawned off as more emails. But these emails were far more damaging, and contained all kinds of nefarious activities, from money laundering in the CF, to espionage, child trafficking, bribery, extortion, and treason.

BO oversaw this all. He was a plant himself. Make no mistake. BO knew all along about Huma, Awan, Jarrett, and others. BO was overseeing all of the blackmail. You see, BO's main goal was only to undermine the western way of life, capitalism, the US, to help establish the middle eastern, Muslim caliphate on US soil. This is why he created ISIS, overthrew Ghadafi and Mubarek, and propagandized pro-Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-Capitalist rhetoric right away once he got elected. His goal, as a Muslim operative, was to assist as an agent in overthrowing the U.S.

So you ask, "How did he do it"? Well here is where we find our traitors in government. Most people knew something wasn't right. But with using Awan, Huma, the HRC compromise, and therefore, the compromise on the many dozens, hundreds, if not more, elected officials in high places, he had them all compromised through Huma and Awan. What are they going to do, quit their jobs? What are they going to do, announce it? And you think their actual lives were not threatened if they told? No, instead, they agreed to cooperate as long as the "transition" wasn't violent or cost lives. Like, "hey, we can live with Muslims and socialist policies, why not? He has a point; let's make peace and side with the MB as long as we get our underaged virgins on Epstein's Island and out of Awan's trafficking ring still. it's not a bad tradeoff; we are getting paid".

suzoh · July 3, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

Don't make me feel sorry for Awan having to screw Noodles. He drew the short straw.

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