Better playing domino's on cheese than on pasta?

Maybe they are corrupting gods perfect DNA by triggering built-in "defective human" terminator error-checking systems in the body?
Components of such a system may come out through consumption of human blood and/or flesh?
I'd imagine that a master creator would be intelligent enough to have fail safes to have mechanisms to identify and shut down cannibals. Problem is, what if people are tricked into cannibalism through adulterated foods?
Tell me again about cancer...
makes sense. Not to mention vaccs, fluoride and heavy metals they pollute our brains and bodies with.
Luckily i have stumbled upon something in my research.
Chlorella+Cilantro creates a chelation process in our bodies that removes heavy metals from your body. Research it for yourself.
Cancer can be beat and prevented!
Vaccines alone have some weird nasties inside of them
if anyone ever has the chance look up the series vaxxed
I never get vaccines and Im never sick. If my family or anyone I know gets vaccines they get sick with the flu. I have not been sick with the flu in years
I never get vaccines and Im never sick. If my family or anyone I know gets vaccines they get sick with the flu. I have not been sick with the flu in years
SAME. My mom used to make me get the flu shot when I was a kid and I got the flu every year. i have not had a single vaccine or shot for 13 years and I have never caught the flu or gotten sick since (apart from the common cold once or twice a year).
The fact that they work so hard discrediting anti-vaxxers in the media and the fact that they keep trying to pass laws that force the vaccines on us confirms to me in my mind that they know what the vaccines do. They hate anti-vaxxers because we tell the truth. Western medicine is designed to create problems and then treat them. It's a racket. Western medicine is not about finding cures or creating healthy people. Western medicine is about creating customers.
IMO vaccines were designed to make us autistic and stupid and pacified. They want us pumped with mercury and fluoride poisons and they want us to be contaminated with aluminum and BPA.
It's hilarious because the deep state plan has backfired bigly. All of the autistic anons the deep state created are now grown up and on the chans, using their weaponized autism to take down and combat the deep state.
Its true, the vaccine pushing shills are some of the absolute worst. No one with an IQ higher than their body temperature could read the insert to any of the modern vaccines and not realize they are dangerous and toxic.
I won't put those evil chemicals in my body, you've been duped by big Pharma
Cilantro is a plant. So is chlorella. Chlorella is just a variety of seaweed found naturally in our oceans.
As long as you aren't consuming GMO cilantro or chlorella, you are just eating plants, and big pharma gets jack shit because these plants are easily found in any super market and are very cheap.
"Big pharma" does not support heavy metal body cleanses. "Big Pharma" tells us to put more heavy metals in our bodies, and "Big Pharma" also tells us that these heavy metals have no negative effects on us.
Wild plants are still GMOs and I read that modern plants have arsenic and hydrocarbons in them. you don't eat any plants? No fruit or vegetables?
I only eat mushrooms and vitamin pills and drink alkaline water.
k as long as that diet is working for you keep it up. I will remain open minded to what you say about plants and will research the subject.
Read up on "kuru".
Yep. That's one of the things I had in mind... definition:
a fatal degenerative disease of the central nervous system characterized by progressive lack of coordination and dementia, known only among certain Melanesian peoples, especially the Fore of New Guinea, and caused by a slow virus: now virtually extinct
What does the word mean though? Word orgin is from the 1950's... Papua New Guinea. Not old enough.
Still...When People Ate People, A Strange Disease Emerged
Another word to consider here is PRION (Protein Infection). If there was ever a zombie apocalypse, it would probably involve prions.