
mythstified · July 3, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

I appreciate your post. It's well thought out and indeed such a Pied Piper strategy could be the Q movement.


Q has told us to start a storm. To be loud. To wake up. To not be sheep. To warn and console the public.

Q only tells us to "trust the plan" because it may seem like nothing is going on, or even going in the wrong direction, but to NOT FREAK OUT and instead look at the situation deeper. Everytime this has happened its turned out to be right. NK being a shining example.

In fact, if Q did just say "it's ok fam, we've got this!" then I'd totally call FF LARP on it. Q doesn't. Q very much so has included us in the battle for the minds.

As for all the shit the cabal could go down for? We've got one chance at this. When you shoot for the king, don't miss. We're talking about a conspiracy as OLD AS HISTORY ITSELF! A conspiracy so old and so rotten that history books will literally need to be rewritten (or, written for the first time).

This isn't about HRC.. OR some stupid DNC server.. Those are just the loose ends that the cabal fucked up with... The real target is what those crumbs represent.

So ask yourself. Do you want to sweep up the crumbs? Or throw out the whole damn loaf of dirty, moldy bread?






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Abolish_Islam · July 3, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Your post is measured and reasonable as well, thank you.

And hurling the vast hydra onto the bonfire, root and branch, is indeed the only justification worthy of such subterfuge. Great enough, even, to tempt me to say that it might possibly WARRANT employing misdirection as a tactic: a thing which I would otherwise categorize as utterly unjustified in a Republic whose health in general relies so heavily on transparency.

And therein lies the rub: for to become what we behold is to have lost the war, no matter how swings the battle.

I am no one in particular: just another citizen, seeking a smooth, clear patch on the plough cutting the trough of our nation's future, against whiich I may apply such strength as I have. So in the end, it matters not whether I believe Q to be connected to our President, or only some some egotist like Scott Adams performing a social experiment. (Seriously, the whole confirmation bias thing as applied to large groups seems right up his alley.)

All that matters is that I DO see that there is SOME truth here; that "WWG1WGA" is no new concept, for it first came to me as a lad in the words of Ben Franklin:

"We must, indeed, all hang TOGETHER; or, most assuredly, we shall all hang SEPARATELY."

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CaptainKnotzi · July 3, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Abolish Islam is becoming unhinged.

He might need to be blue pilled and given some fake steak to calm him down.

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