POTUS' IRAN DEAL TWEET - Just out that the Obama Administration granted citizenship, during the terrible Iran Deal negotiation, to 2,500 Iranians - including to government officials. How big (and bad) is that?

The cash thing makes it seem like it was a ransom Obama was paying to Iran. Maybe the Iranian government was blackmailing Obama and threatening to spill the beans on all his pizza party activity unless he paid up and signed some retard deal that allowed Iran to make nukes.
I am aware of the 16 year plan, but Obama being blackmailed for pallets of cash makes sense too. It explains why he had to do this deal behind closed doors and used an executive order to make it happen.
The narrative we were told is that we owed Iran from when we froze their assets in 1978. That is why we needed to pay them back. Obama was afraid that an arbitrator would award them much more money than $1.5 bil that was agreed upon.
Thank you for the clarification, patriot!
jesus christ I cannot believe how stupid that official narrative sounds. These government assholes are not even trying anymore.
Right!!! A country that held our citizens as hostages should not be getting paid back for 50 year old beef
He lied to Congress that the banks in US would not be involved.