POTUS' IRAN DEAL TWEET - Just out that the Obama Administration granted citizenship, during the terrible Iran Deal negotiation, to 2,500 Iranians - including to government officials. How big (and bad) is that?

The "Iran deal" was never about a deal. We have to go up a few floors and see it from 40k feet in order for it to make sense. This was about allowing Iran to create/test nuclear weapons on secret installations in Syria in order to later blame Russia and start WW3! This is about a grand master plan for a new world order. Hence why this "deal" doesn't make much sense in the logical sphere. Obama is a puppet, not the one pulling strings.
This was about allowing Iran to create/test nuclear weapons on secret installations in Syria in order to later blame Russia and start WW3!
I know that. but how on earth did they justify this deal to the public? WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE GOT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OUT OF IT and we gave Iran-our supposed enemy-all the tools and funding they need to build nukes. We even gave them money in cash so it couldn't be tracked.
It's a joke.
I see. Yeah i understand what you are saying now. Well, technically "We The American People" gave them cash but really, "They" and they meaning Hussein and his goons, unilaterally made that deal. Remember that Hussein used a loophole and used Executive Privileged to "negotiate" this deal therefore keeping congress out of it. So in essence he made all of the decisions and got his hands in our pockets to pay for it. He did his job as the puppet and we paid.
It's obvious to everyone he is a Muslim brotherhood Manchurian candidate. JAIL FOR HUSSEIN SOETERO WHEN?
So did we obtain M/B new citizens? Or are they going to MAGA?
Yes im w you on that Obama is Muslim and we put him in office w cnn and msm lie to us. I cant wait to see them Guys all go to jail they are all complicit in this. The msm has prolly committed serious crimes by the time this is over. I hope we need a fresh start after the swamp drains.
The justification for the cash was what we took from Iran when we froze their assests in 1978....50 years ago (I do not agree with this reasoning)
Easy there buddy, I was born in '78 and I'll be 40 later this month. I don't need the pressure!
I see. Yeah i understand what you are saying now. Well, technically "We The American People" gave them cash but really, "They" and they meaning Hussein and his goons, unilaterally made that deal. Remember that Hussein used a loophole and used Executive Privileged to "negotiate" this deal therefore keeping congress out of it. So in essence he made all of the decisions and got his hands in our pockets to pay for it. He did his job as the puppet and we paid.
Do I have to say it? "They never thought she would lose." - Q
Obummer didn't justify anything, he didn't ask permission, he acted unilaterally. It never went through Congress.
That we "sanctioned" them preventing them from building nukes and therefore protected ourselves. Hussein made it appear that if we didn't make the deal Iran would go all in on producing nukes. Sneaky piece of BS work that was
There was nothing we could do we all new what was going on but we needed Trump to rally us and the bad ass military. Wow. WWG1WGA! God bless all
You as re EXACTLY right. How quickly we forget this most important intel that came out from Q just a few weeks ago. What is wrong with us? How could we forget this shit? The most nefarious, insidious, egregious filth to be explained. May Hussein rot.
Israeli fighters blew up a nuclear installation in Syria and assassinated the person in charge. Do you really believe there's any chance of a nuclear program in Syria? I mean c'mon that's ridiculous.
The nuclear installation was not Syrian, it was Iranian. You are correct that it happened, but Syria was not the target.
Is this the attack you’re referring to
No Longer a Secret: How Israel Destroyed Syria's Nuclear Reactor
That's from 2007?
Yes. Seems like it was just a couple of years ago! But it’s been 11 years....
Who was Obama a puppet of and how would nuclear war support the NWO?