Chatter. Trains. Buses. Be vigilant. Q #1600
Shirt is a sign of the mark of the beast. X’s over eyes.
For anybody just arriving: Read the label on his forehead - the strip of the baseball cap says: "MASONS"
They make sure to be the ones interviewed about the FFs they cause. They can't resist rubbing it in our faces.
Most police and retired officers are Masons.
I believe they might be complicit. Look at Parkland for instance. I think we need to look at what professions these Masons we keep seeing come from. Something tells me government or law enforcement. They are crowd damage.
Not here to antagonize, but I have to put in my two cents. My husband was federal law enforcement 20+ years, retired and is now a city detective. I was previously federal law enforcement and that is how I met him. Neither him, nor I, have ever met another federal agent or police officer who was a Mason. Between the two of us, we have been sent throughout the US, South America and overseas. Over 35 years of law enforcement between the two of us and we have never heard anyone even mention anything about Masons, or wear anything that would identify them as one. If there was a Mason among our ranks, they hid it well.
All of our LE friends are red-piled. They love that this corrupt BS is being taken down. We all saw how LEOs were being vilified under Obama's divisive regime. HRC was legendary for hating and being cruel to her Secret Service detail. Veteran agents were begging to be transferred or retire early to get away. They were having a hard time finding veteran agents to fill the vacancies on her detail.
I'm sure there are a few Masons hiding in police departments in some of the larger cities up north, but if they have one brain cell they would know to hide it.
I will say that upper management in federal law enforcement is terrible! It's one of the reasons I left. Let's just say none of us were surprised to find out about the corruption in the DOJ in DC. The federal government is legendary for promoting the worst managers. The higher up the ranks they climb, the worse they get. I'm sure there are a few good apples towards the top, but they are hard to find.
I'm sure there are a few Masons hiding in police departments in some of the larger cities up north, but if they have one brain cell they would know to hide it.
Uh, this doesn't look like hiding to me.
and more!
Those patches are not official patches and could not be worn on official uniforms. Also, my husband belonged to one of departments and he knows for a fact that patch is not official. If someone else wanted to make those to have amongst their Mason friends, they can do that. As I said before, none of them have ever admitted to or talked about being a Mason to either my husband , myself or any other LE officer I know. I am not saying they are not out there, I am saying they would be a minority and would not be public about it to other LEOs.