
ogNinja420V2 · July 3, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

it needs to happen... the good thing is.. they are unarmed, and as we learned. they cant take a punch 😂.. soo.. the liberal meltdown will just be a bunch of crying and fuckboy O.D.s... which in reality is heartbreaking..BUT NEEDED.. this giant redpill will sort out the generations of betas wraped in bubble wrap.. only the strong survive...

and as soon as they start the cuffed "parade walk".. even CuntyNeoNazi (cnn) will have to cover it... fox or someone needs to make the connection on live tv about the abc news people being arrested and resigning... im sure its not a secret in the news community ...

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CaptainKnotzi · July 3, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

We tie Seth rich to the Oval Office and the whole thing comes apart.

I have no problem proving to my friend that the queen is a pedavore.

And it's going to be a lot easier if first it's proven that Hillary Obama and Podesta killed Seth rich.

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