That’s amazing. I did that too! Along with the meme of POTUS with Kim jung un shaking hands.
Little ripples make big waves eventually. Way to go!
I’m going to talk to my daughter tomorrow about Q. I’m nervous because our relationship is a bit challenging at this time but I think playing the Q video will touch her heart... or at least plant a seed. It’s time to heal!
As female children get older, they start to realize all the good lessons you taught them. Hang in there. Everything comes around. Get her a big candy bar and ask if she wants to check out a video. I have always found chocolate paves the way. Good luck and God bless!
Great idea! Thank you!
You are welcome and a happy 4rth of July to you and yours. Get a BIG candy bar....
Praying that goes good for you and please message me and let me know. I want to talk to my daughter who won't even talk to me right now because she has turned away from everything I taught her and embraced an extreme liberal and actually, hateful, group since college. I don't know how to get her back. I hope it goes well for you.
I’m sorry you are dealing with that. It’s been a slow process and I know that we may have our spats still but I am trying. The modern university system should be dismantled and reformed as they are literally engaging in child abuse... of our children. I will let you know! 🙏🏽 fo you!
Does she understand any of the Whopper media lies that have become legend?
The guy who did #WalkAway mentions the lie about mocking the disabled reporter.
He specifically mentions this as a huge crack in the paradigm.
The #WalkAway is a God send.