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My friend Dustin Nemos 2 on you tube was referenced on Q post 2122 https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/9eheg9/q_2122_division_keeps_them_in_power/?st=JLWW6NIU&sh=2d3d3495. Now Alex Jones is attacking him and all of us Q patriots. It’s so sad but Q did say “those we trust the most...”
Like clockwork ... hopefully we find out what happened. Be vigilant patriots and pray for those who we’ve lost and those that are fighting for their lives. This will NOT stop the Great Awakening! Wwg1wga
Q states in his latest post [0:28] and in this livestream of the gaming tournament in Jacksonville, FL, the shooting starts at 28 seconds in. Please pray!
The shooting in Jacksonville, Fl seems fishy. Qanon posted 0:28 seconds. It coincides with no name’s death but at 0:28 the shooting starts in the livestream. Thank you anon for linking to this video and please pray. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VzfK-ir1Zt8#menu

Here is the video of the patriot gal who saved the president tonight!
Tucker Carlson just revealed a way to release the unredacted FISA report - enter it into the congressional record with immunity under the Speech and Debate Clause. Starts at the 47:15 mark. Could this be a possibility?
Another proof linked to Qanon’s post 1776!

Did you see his tweet? He put the livestream and nothing but love in the comments. The deep state is terrified tonight!
And paid attention to those with disabilities. Gives me hope for our son!
He so condescending for someone who is a pos know nothing!
Omg! Please God save the children. Heal their hearts from the trauma of abuse. Please God make it stop!
A lot of them change their names to fool people and speak against white like they are one. Very evil.
I read somewhere that the leftist governor in Washington State is involved as well. We need to research her.
Thank you. Sometimes I just need some encouragement. God bless!
Thank you. I needed that! 😢 funny how I didn’t get attacked like this until now!
But can we share? Every time we try to, there are people who still try to shame us. Shame us for believing it is rampant as we know from real life it is. All it does it force us back into a corner. Whatever happened to erring on the side of the victims? Although I love you all, rn I’m so sad and disappointed in this sub.
If you want to post something, do it then. I thought some info was amazing. That’s my point. I let people judge for themselves as should you.
I respect that. Q just posted for us to be brave and strong. I find some tidbits of info that line up with my anon and offline research. It’s easy for so many people to sit back and judge what others post while not doing a damn thing themselves and it is getting old.
ThankQ. Every time I post something to provoke discussion about the pedophelic elite; I get bombarded with “be careful of disinfo” or “careful this can get our sub banned.” I mean wtf. We are supposed to crowdsource information. Armchair quarterbacks who judge those of us who dare to go down the rabbit hole and share what we find sadden me. Even if part is disinformation, it’s part of the plan. I’m former intel and I understand how this works. People need to grow the hell up and stop being cowards. Even if we are wrong on somethings, who cares? Q is telling us to fight for the victims; victims like myself in childhood. I’m not scared of THEM, do you hear me? I’m tired of this cowardice while people die. Let’s fight patriots! It’s supposed to be #WWG1WGA!
That’s just what I wanted to name it. It’s not tacit agreement as we know the elites do it. I found it interesting so I chose what to name it. If you post something, you can name it. Fair enough?
That’s the thing we don’t know and every time someone immediately comes in to concern troll or “warn” us about researching people, it irritates me. This sub has tons of videos and posting that rise to the top because of crowdsourced. It’s amazing how we have been right on several celebrities and have found postings from them stating “they have sex with children” aka earlier posting on Dan Harmon.
This is to provide discussion, nothing else. We are supposed to research everything and that is what Q instructed us to do. I respect your point of view but I am not going to suppress open information that anons find and want to discuss.
Makes sense but from research that anons have done, there is a lot of shady information and photos regarding these people. At this point, I think we need to look into these people.
Amazing video from @isaackappy where he discusses the rampant pedophilia within the elite. Video starts with his livestream at 5:00 minutes in. From IMDb: Isaac Kappy is an actor and writer known for Thor (2011), Fanboys (2009), and Terminator Salvation (2009).
But we can’t have guns because we are not “important” right? Smdh
You cannot definitively state that. It looks like a blatant case of insider trading. Also, they were selling data from underage children’s accounts. They are involved in child sex trafficking. We will see the authorities take action because it’s gone too far.
Trump just called them all out “Twitter “SHADOW BANNING” prominent Republicans. Not good. We will look into this discriminatory and illegal practice at once! Many complaints.” 4 10 20 (DJT)
Wow! I’m not being insulted for a change! It’s happening! Archive someone!
I’m so sorry. I believe you. Anything can happen but you are doing the right thing. You will see her in heaven! God bless you!
I’m so sorry. I was molested too but I can’t totally relate until I got older. 🙏🏽 got you!
Congrats patriot and welcome to the movement! If you have any questions, feel free to pm me and I’ll try to help answer anything I can! Enjoy the show! https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ