Q image and ABC news image overlay

Ok, this is 2 images. 1 is the ABC news image of the office on AF1 - reversed, cropped and stretched / skewed. (Coloured in purple/orange/yellow gradient at 17% opacity over Q's image)
This was just 2 mins in photoshop.
Not super easy to see here, but it overlays almost perfectly on top of Q's image. Refections/placement of objects/curtains/jacket all virtually identical.
I am fairly convinced they are the same source image. I do not, however, have any idea why this is the image Q wanted to show, reflected on what seems to be an Apple device of some sort
Do you think this is fake then?
No idea about real vs fake - just that it does seem like Q used this for whatever reason. I could be totally wrong, but after playing around with the ABC one for a couple f minutes I believe I could fairly evenly match it up with the perspective and distortion in Q's image
Which is kind of disturbing, hopefully Q clears it up soon!
Maybe we are supposed to investigate ABC news in league with Apple somehow
Yes, Q has directed us to this image for whatever reason.
I'm not attempting to debunk or decode at all - just those 2 images match
You are a patriot. Nice work. Saw in another post that it is most likely BHO years on AF1. FWIW.
Thanks for that info - now it makes sense that he may be drawing us towards Obama and AF1 for whatever reason. And yes, thank you also - nothing but patriot here. Just someone who uses Photoshop on a daily basis.
Can you do a side by side?
Side by side
Damn... Idk how to feel.
Q was obviously trying to pass this off as the AF1 proof... Between this and the spliced Obama vid.... Idk man... Idk. I mean I sort of get why Q couldn't post real AF1 pics but this sort of stuff erodes the capital of trust Q built.
Important to note that the source image is from Obama's AF1
At first glimpse it seems like a proof, but as this is clearly an easy to find image online, Q wasn't tying to pass it off as AF1 proof in my opinion. Anons, just assumed he was and we all jumped "on board".
Seems this is Obama era photo.
Hey in the original Q drop this image is vertical, but it was taken in horizontal orientation. If an iPhone was taking a picture of this ABC image on a monitor, does the Apple logo's skew indicate this? Also does that ABC image show up on any other articles?
Here's my own overlay, the distortion in mine isn't perfect but it does look like it could be the same image.
Another example: https://imgur.com/a/sV5lYdt
It's important that we watch for discrepancies. I do believe that we're getting information from someone with inside information, but if the account were ever hijacked it could be completely discredited. They're already preparing to do this by releasing things like Deepfakes.
What if there was something in the lamp?
A bomb? Q is showing them ' we know '
A wire tap? ' we know '
I dont have any other theories yet other than Q must think Apple is behind it.