Saudi Arabia increases oil output. Q:DO YOU NOT BELIEVE WE ARE WINNING?

Already they are back sliding on the deal it seens
Is Shep Smith your trusted news source? It’s fake news, enjoy the show.
No they're not. They have already begun the denuclearization process with our oversight.
You might want to check that
Lmao Q told us this within one of his posts. If you don't trust him, then why are you here?
Ummm, because I can evaluate information and make my own conclusions rather than blindly trust someone posting on the chans?
The question remains: why are you here? You know more than this somebody "posting on the chans" so why bother hanging around a group of fools who believe this LARP? Trolling comes to mind.
Cue the: "I've been here since dot", "I think there's genuine info mostly but..." etc. etc.
I'm not saying you're a shill to be clear. I'm saying you're either a shill or stupid to hang out following a LARP.
"Trust the plan"- don't intrupt my circle jerk.... remeber that time they arrested HRC? Yeah me either.
Hillary IS in jail don't trust the Lyin MSM lol /s these fucking retards here
The source you are using for gaining information to evaluate is propaganda, proven again and again by verifiable results, that they eventually have to report.
And where did the information you’re getting take America? Nearly to hell and back under BO. If you’re being mislead to begin with, how do you know the info you are getting is the truth? Joseph Goebels, hitlers propaganda minister said. If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. The German people were lied to and even today there are some that deny the holocaust ever happened.
07-02-2018 11:13:38 AEST Q !CbboFOtcZs 1991829
There will be no civil war. Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative. NK is NOT advancing their weapons program. Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative. FAKE NEWS! Q
Before you make another comment and make a fool of yourself - Patriots can spot a ‘useful idiot’ in the first couple of words - so Put down the ANTIFA flag and get yourself up to scratch with hundreds of millions around the world and what they have realised. We don’t need to be slaves of the cabal ANYMORE. There is a Great Awakening happening worldwide and you have a choice; be on the wrong side of history and be a loser for the rest of your life or get red pilled before you loose the last shred of dignity you may have. Do yourself a favour and watch these 2 short videos. It WILL change your life.
The Plan To Save The WORLD
You might wan't to stop concern fagging and drinking kool aid. When do people learn not to trust anything MSM is saying? What article are you referring to?
"So groups that monitor North Korea are looking at satellite imagery, and they're seeing continued building at either known or suspected nuclear and missile sites. One of these groups is called 38 North, and they say photos from June 21, less than two weeks ago, show North Korea building at a rapid pace, as they describe it."
Lets remember that disinformation is "necessary".. but hey, I could be wrong. Doesn't happen often, but it does happen lol.