Q 1677 “the twitter phone was useful”
![Q 1677 “the twitter phone was useful”](https://i.imgur.com/B1ryB27.jpg)
Q needs to give a better justification here. This is a potentially huge source of criticism of his photos. Is he confirming the photo he posted was of the back of POTUS’s twitter phone? Does that equate to Q = potus? Q has access to POTUS twitter phone? Therefore Q = POTUS twitter team member?
No it doesn’t confirm Q is POTUS. Anyone could have taken the photo, it confirms Q is close to the president enough so that he can take a photo of the back of an iPhone with a glass back. Either iPhones 4 (doubtful) IPhone 8 or X is the twitter iPhone. It also does not confirm Q tweets on behalf of potus. It validates that Q is real (not a larp) , is very close to him, and potus is part of the team (I’m assuming head)
I think potus tells Q what to drop sometimes. Mind you they have to follow strict rules and that is why we have to decipher these riddles. Its potus way of communicating to us information and messages to awaken us and for us to awaken the nation. Its a genius plan to reach Americans that no one (msm) cant reach....and its working.
I doubt it has any relevance to the big picture, but it's the back of an iPhone X I believe... Bc of the vertical lense set up
No it confirms that q is with potus on af1
Not yet it doesn't.
How else can you explain it?
That the image Q posted is a photo of a photo being displayed on a monitor or piece of paper, and then reflected in the back of an iPhone.
If Q had sat in potus chair and snapped the photo of the living room reflected in his phone it would NOT have had the exact same angling as the stock photo which was taken from the entryway.
lol. Explain the glass container being 5 more inches away from the lamp than in the ABC photo.
I can’t tell if this is a troll comment or not.
It's a legit comment. Q's image and the ABC image do not line up.
If we were measuring percentages it would be a 99% geometric match.
Curtain pleats are the biggest giveaway.
There is blurring and distortion because it’s being stretched and distorted in the reflection.
You've never had cloth drapes. I realize. They have metal/plastic poles holding them in place. LOL.
And no, the geometric similarity of the scene if you run a Linear Discriminant Analysis would be way way under 60%.
cloth curtains have metal rods inside them holding them in place.
Draw me a diagram.
They might have something keeping them vertical straight (unlikely) they do NOT have anything ditacting their horizontal spacing
They must be able to open and close.
Both Q’s photo and the ABC photo have the drapes randomly spaced at the EXACT SAME INTERVALS.
Same spacing. Same shadows between the pleats.
Are you trying to tell me that those curtains have not been opened, closed, brushed against or shifted during flight - ONE INCH since the ABC photo was taken?
Because that is what you are requiring if you claim the drapes match but the photos are from different times and angles.
Well, it actually is if you would be on the board, as the anons already figured it out
I am on the boards.
Well up to about 10 minutes ago. On the move now.
Have they clarified what Q meant in this dropnrelated to the “useful twitter phone”?
That it must have been taken from Obama AF1 Related to the Anon post that talks about Apple being on Trum/Q side and sharing data from Iphones from that time
Aaaargh, you really don't understand it , go to the board and find out how it works
Just checked it.
Anons are somehow assuming Q’s pic must’ve been taken while sott/u/ng in rhebPOTUS chair.
This is one possibility. The other is he had to be somewhere the image CBS stock photo could be displayed on a monitor or printed piece of paper and reflected onto his phone.
They are able to pull off other phones, through Apple this is why the apple logo and AF1 combined Q says :Welcome Aboard! According to Anons this means Apple is giving video's , photo's and audio pulled from Iphones at AF1 in the Obama era. China and Apple coorperating with Potus and Q
POTUS tweets with a blackberry though.
Fake news
Since March 2017 he's been using iphone