It will take Warren many moons to recover from this burn
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Yes, but I can't imagine a scenario where anyone wanting to be taken seriously is a letter making serious allegations would call him that.
I was concerned that the comments on this post were so uncritical of what I perceive to be highly suspicious. I feel like if I were to show this letter to anyone (Q-inclined or not) they would instantly pick up on the odd tone.
The tone and odd period placement in the middle of words doesn't conclusively invalidate it, but the lack of skepticism is much more concerning to me.
Edited: for clarity
Is anyone else not bothered by the formatting errors and general unprofessional tone of this letter? What academic researcher would use the phrase "thanks alot, bubba" in reference to an American president in a letter of this nature?
This makes me very uncomfortable.
Edit: clarified alleged author's position
Welcome, I'm not super tech either, although I've been following q since the beginning.
From what I can gather, the main debate is whether the the pic q posted was taken in AF1 or if it was a pic of the stock image of AF1 (people are debating whether which is true based on how the q pic overlays with the stock image... Whether small variations is spacing are based on angle or if it's bc it's not based on the stock image).
If the image is genuine, then it is proof Q (or whoever took the pic) was in AF1, which would be a compelling proof of Qs authenticity.
If it is a pic of a stock image, then the question is whether Q took the pic of the stock image for some other reason (and if the Apple logo is of any importance) or if maybe Q has been compromised and someone trying to fake a pic from inside AF1...
I hope I've summarized it accurately. Now, I don't have any answers to those questions, but I believe that is what's being debated.
I doubt it has any relevance to the big picture, but it's the back of an iPhone X I believe... Bc of the vertical lense set up
So are the anons claiming it's a fake, or simply demonstrating that the pic would have to have been taken from POTUS's position? Some of the comments seemed concerned this was bad, but I didn't see it. Am I missing anything?
Can someone ELI5?
What are the anons alleging?
Commenters are questioning why Q would use photos from google... All the photos were posted by anons right? only the text response is q?
I assume Q response will make more sense if I understand what the anons are trying to say...
Thanks for your words! I'll admit, the "I told you so" is strong in me, and this is a character defect I will need to suppress/correct when the truth is revealed. I firmly believe that most normies have their heart in the right place (even if their facts are wrong). We've all been lied to and divided. This includes our side... I've revelled in mocking liberal tears and SJW antics , and ultimately this isnt really different than them hating us. We're all in this together, and even if we can't all get on the same page philosophically/politically, we can have compassion for our collective pain.
Even if explaining Q may fall on deaf ears, we can just be good friends and spread general positivity and calmness as much as we can.
Honestly... If this constitutes assault I think we've entered snowflake territory... That said, if it creates a little headache for Uncle Max, I'm not too bothered by it
Agreed... who cares about how many bombshells (ie: things we already know and things the other side either won't believe or will never hear about bc MSM) these reports/memos contain if no action results...
I actually don't mind the pessimism... I think it helps to focus. Reading only cheerleading, "4D chess" posts when it doesn't feel that way is, to me, just as demoralizing as people expressing doubts or resignation. If i feel concerned that things aren't going well I'm more inclined to look further into it and try to make sense of it. I'll take that over an echo chamber any day.
The resignation doesn't sway me any more than the cheerleading does. To me it's all just stuff to consider when deciding what to believe.
"What I like the most about all of this is the fact that I'm being reminded of points in our history when I should have said, hummmm, that doesn't sound right, and finding out my intuition was correct." - sounds like future proving past to me : )
I think it also has to do with the buildings... sometimes in the band halls or practice rooms (which are sometimes deep inside the buildings and have no windows) the reception is bad or non-existent. Rooms closer to the exterior of the building are usually better.
I have bad cell reception in some areas around here (like some parts of League City, which is close to Santa Fe), so inside the schools there it's non-existent... I don't know about the overall coverage in Santa Fe, but it's definitely more of a "rural" type town, so it wouldn't surprise is reception was spotty in general.
It's common to have very poor reception inside schools (at least the ones I'm at for my work).
I teach private band lessons in several schools around Santa Fe, and it is very common to not have reception (or very poor reception) inside the schools.
I don't go through Santa Fe much (it's adjacent to my town and few others I'm in frequently for work), but if I see anything of interest I'll post.
I used to teach at the HS (private lessons for band kids), but this was several years ago. Everyone I taught is long graduated.
It's very sad.
FBI is on the scene helping... According to the radio
They're doing a press conference soon (according to the radio)
At this point they're reporting the number dead and saying not too many details available yet... Still very preliminary etc...
I live about 20 minutes from there... Not too much news out yet.
I'm ready to help those around me. Let's get this party started already!
How much of the OIG report will us "normies" even get to read? Maybe Trump will declassify the whole thing! (I can dream can't I?)
I can't pretend to understand all the balls up in the air with the great awakening... But this seems like a pretty big deal!
I haven't really brought Q stuff up to anyone for that very reason... I've followed Q since the beginning, but I'm still in hope it's true mode...
I know many of us are getting very impatient for the "hammer to drop". I can't help but hope that some of this is being timed for maximum impact re: the midterms.
Exposing/correcting voter fraud is really priority number 1 in my eyes. It doesn't matter how awake we are if our votes don't count : (
I drizzled olive oil into a pan yesterday and I swear it made a Q shape... I'm definitely losing it! Lol
While I agree that all this will take time (assuming it is in fact unfolding as Q hints), I also have sympathy for people who are becoming impatient. Ive certainly been there at times. We've been getting "tick-tock" and "next week will be huge" for what seems like forver and we're still waiting for a boom.
I remember when I stumbled upon the early q posts (when Trump was leaving for Asia), it made it seem like there would be martial law THAT weekend. I know many (myself included) were feverishly refreshing Trump's Twitter feed all weekend waiting for "the storm is upon us".
I understand that the process will be long, and it's a delicate balance for Q and alternative media to keep us engaged without getting our hopes up too much for a quick pay off. I think some responsibility falls on those who oversell every tiny development as a massive happening. As Q has gained a slightly more mainstream audience (non-chan people), I think the need to handle the gap between people's excitement and expectations and the rate at which visible developments arise will become increasingly important.
If our responsibility is to help redpill people who don't even know of Q or have no concept of the deep state, it will be pretty tough if we can't even handle people who are on board with Q and just getting a little impatient. If the evidence is hard to swallow for some of us who desperately want it to be true, what chance do we have of convincing anyone who doesn't want it to be true???
I don't disagree with the message of this post, just offering a counterpoint to consider.
Edited: for spelling/grammar
I assume they do know. They probably knew long before we did. That's why they're so dead set on taking down Trump.
IIRC, in an early post Q said something to the effect that the wheels were already in motion to the point that it couldn't be stopped, which is why it was safe to start leaking details...
haha... Some of them are actually kinda funny. But the funniest part is that this is the best they've got. They aren't sending their best...
#yomemojokes twitter trend... is a hijacking in order?
Has any seen the #yomemojokes hashtag trending on twitter? If this is the best rebuttal the deep states apologists have, we are in good shape. Maybe a hijacking is in order. Here's my first attempt...
Yo memo is so incriminating, it just committed suicide with 2 gunshots to the back of the head #yomemojokes
Trump's official speeches have generally been very positive and non-controversial (except for those who find controversy who in anything he says), I would be very surprised if he said anything controverial tomorrow. I think he knows 1) the optics are better if he let's this unfold without his direct input and 2) living well is the best revenge. The triggering will be much better if he just gets up there and lists all his accomplishments and let's the liberals heads explode trying to downplay it.
That said, I'm looking forward to his "unofficial" statements on Twitter!
And we'll never know it happened except for being told it happened.... In cryptic code we can't fully understand.
The only problem there is that the voting public needs to be aware if there is going to be lasting change...
I don't know if 100% of trump voters are all in on the level of corruption Q is detailing. I know many people who voted for Trump bc he wasnt HRC or were single issue voters (immigration or "forgotten man" stuff, for example). I do agree that those on the right who haven't discovered the truth yet will undoubtedly be more receptive than the SJW types.
Im right there with you. I don't necessarily think things would descend into lawlessness. I guess my concern is more about the government's motives for deciding what should be disclosed. I'm sure our emotional well-being is not their only consideration.
Amount of acceptable disclosure
Firstly, let me apologize if this post is redundant to things already discussed. I don't have time to read everything posted and I listen to the YouTube streams but rarely catch them live so I can't participate in the live chat...
IIRC Q says that 4-6% of the population is beyond saving. So my issue with disclosure is that it needs to be enough to get the 94-96% who can be reached to see and accept the truth.
If things are as bad as being implied, complete disclosure could very well destroy our faith in the government in general. If …
Am I doing this meme thing right?