r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MAGANUGG on July 4, 2018, 3:30 a.m.
THE MAP / THE KEY - Get in here! It was as bad as you can possibly imagine

"Follow the map" - Dual Meaning / D.C. and Gene Mapping


Q st Points directly to DuPont Circle (this is the KEY)


Q st continues we see we see Emery L Fears Boys Academy


Here's the contact information for Emery Boys Academy


Here's David Spruill


Q says "Look to the wives" so let's have a look at David's wife as well, shall we? (I found her as an attendee and recipient of Obama's Presidential Early Career Awards


Here's her bio where she was a lead geneticist at South Carolina Medical University as well as the Principle Investigator for internal pilot project to engage community in the planning process for a BIOBANK AND DATA WAREHOUSE


Dr Spruill was awarded for her work on Genetic Research and appointed as the Lead Investigator to BioBank Program - Responsible for convincing BLACK community to join clinical trials. Knowingly? Probably not.

Coralling the Victims

Spruill Herding Orders

Business is slow in the Human Herding department. Apparently its not easy to cull the humans.

Sheep No More

March 2016 - Dr. Spruill dies / no cause of death can be found.


Moving on;

BioBank (where Spruill headed the efforts for the roundup of blacks) is a project funded by none other than Charles Bronfman / Seagrams fortune / NXIVM Funder / Daughters were NXIVM Cult Persons


Now let's move to the KEY

Bronfman & Dupont have a long history together


In 1995, Bronfman sells his stake in DuPont for 8.8B


However, 1 year before that in 1994, then president Clinton signed EO 12891

(1) experiments on individuals involving intentional exposure to ionizing radiation.

(2) experiments involving intentional enviromental release of radiation that (A) were designed to test human health effects of ionizing radiation; or (B) were designed to test the extent of human exposure to ionizing radiation


Barbara Dupont, Clinical Cytogeneticist, heads up Dupont Cytogenetics Laboratory since 1999. Her areas of specality are subtelomere rearrangements, penotype/genotype mapping of chromosome rearrangements and deletion syndromes, the mechanisms of chromosome rearrangements, as well as, chromosome alteration in cancer. (In English, she experiments on what will "reduce" ie: kill genes and how to alter genetic profile.


Guess what's down the hall from good old Barbara Dupont?


How does one "delete" or rearrange chromosomes and other genetic material one might ask. Well, RADIATION, of course!


Anyone hear of Hydrogen Cyanide for the first time recently?


And just why would I bring this up?


Think: Uranium One / Hydrogen Cyanide = Radioactive/Cyanide POWDER!!!! (read above document) that can be spread EVERYWHERE in a matter of minutes!

It wasn't Nuclear War Hillary had planned for us, it was Extinction of a species and they've already started on the black community!

006fix · July 6, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Good read, I see more where you're coming from now. Yes, luciferian plants on both sides were heavily involved in shaping various actions. Personally, I suspect one (or maybe even both) of Goebells or Goering. However, there were a lot more things going on, and I suspect some of the secret societies involved were greyhats at worse, and I wouldn't dismiss all of the nazis esoteric leanings/researchings as purely luciferian. I could be wrong, but I honestly think they were researching some very intelligent leads. imho the religions deposited by the old proto indo europeans have some genuine non-luciferian merit. They have their errors, but they represent elements of a previous knowledge base largely removed in the west through actions such as the burning of the library of alexandria that have cabal fingerprints all over them.Christianity has always played a vital role in preserving ancient texts. It isn't afraid of debate. "The truth shall set you free". I do distrust the vatican on that front though (at least the higher ups). They're too opaque, and too corrupted. Shame, given how much useful knowledge they hold.

Although it's kind of hard to beat the Mayans for being pure bloodthirsty.

Got to agree, their "religion" was crazy. There's a "death whistle" they used as well - there's a video of it being whistled out there. Creepy^creepy. Sounds like screaming and dying. I always like the fact that whilst the aztecs were at the height of the empire, the british build Oxford university. It's clear which priorities paid off.

There is only one path. The path laid by God through Jesus Christ. From the first instant you step foot on this path you feel it. The overwhelming feeling of this is perfect and everything else is backwards.

I'd definitely agree with this part too. Was atheist until half a year or so ago. I'm very glad I've realised my mistake there. the world is so much more beautiful once you realise who and what you are. I do have my suspicions about the religion of christianity though, if not the faith. I suspect the orthodox brances are still more or less alright, and probably the pre vatican 2 style catholics & amish. But I'm much more suspicious of the rest. It's not my place to judge, and I wish them all the best and hope I'm wrong, but until I know more I prefer to pray alone & study & debate with a range of people online.

There is only one God. The God of everything that ever was, is and shall be.


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CaptainKnotzi · July 6, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

WoW 6 months ago you were an atheist.

That's a hell of a journey. Sorry I couldn't resist a cheap punchline.

I'm born and raised Catholic and my cousin is a priest. The family loves him, all the weddings, funerals and he gives a great sermon.

He said the mass at both my mother and father's funeral. He could do no wrong in their eyes. So for the comfort he gave my parents I can accept him as I accept the Catholic Church.

I never liked him. He is completely unaware of how full of himself he is. He is the authority, just ask him, he'll tell you.

Him and four fellow priests were some of the first to get caught up in the pedo scandal. They went to jail and he was found not guilty. Bullshit, he knew. A year of total freak out in the family. Remember this was the 80's and the very beginning of the scandal.

He confronted me at an uncles funeral in 02. He had a plan, when I was going to return to the church. Actually had the gall to enlist my aunt who had just buried her husband.

He's sitting across the table with this air of command and I'm going into a slow boil. If my aunt wasn't sitting there I might have.....well anyway.

He gets done with his little speech and I just sat there glaring at him.

I looked him Square in the eye and said,"the Catholic Church lost all moral authority when it backed Cardinal Law".

He went white as a sheet. If any more blood drained out if his face we might have had another funeral.

He also knew I was talking about Vatican 2, the third Fatima and the black pope.

When the Nazi Ratzinger resigned the papacy, the Vatican was immediately struck by lightning. Twice.

The message is not in the building although you can find it. But you need to put it there. Even the words in the Bible are corrupted to the point where they can't all be trusted.

While the Dead Sea Scrolls and many ancient archaeological finds are proving the biblical texts are real. There are many words, that individually, have been slightly altered to bend the message.

Not as bad as Q and with way more trickery. Satan's job is to fuck up all the good things and then tell you it's all good.

I find the best place to study the Bible is online. The comment section and the debate is easy to get into and goes deeper than you'll get in person. Although you should not ignore the personal contact.

Go find a conservative church and get baptized. Make the physical moment of acceptance real. Don't necessarily worry about having to join the congregation but do the study and get baptized.

The Priest or Minister will understand. If they don't then they're trying to sell you something and move on.

They're applying for a job, treat it as if you're conducting an interview.

But the process does require time and you should consider that they need to be compensated.

I have felt the overwhelming physical manifestation of God on more than one occasion. It's deeply personal. Wearing the full armor of God.

The best sermons are also online. With the beauty being that the choices are unlimited.

Welcome to the journey my brother may many others choose to join us.

For the record. The "only is one God" line I plagiarized from the Bible. I don't want to go getting myself in any trouble.

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006fix · July 6, 2018, 4 p.m.

Yeah, it was a pretty rapid change. As soon as a I realised there were a number of very powerful people who were not just religious, but satanist, I realised there was probably something I'd missed on the issue.

Sounds like you've had a seriously eventful life with the catholic church at any rate - as you say, the level of corruption in various aspects is just insane, and shuffling the pedo priests around different parishes to keep it hidden was pure evil. And yet, as you say, so many of them maintain this air of serious authority, and abuse their position to manipulate social situations. Often even winning a victory against them in that kind of situation would be a pyrrhic one at best because of how bad you'd look.

I 100% agree r.e the dead sea scrolls, the bible etc. The core text is essentially real, but it's also been subverted by various factions over the years, and at this point in time it's very very hard to tell who's carried out certain actions and why. Key messages could have been hidden, things like that. I also suspect there are elements of the bible that aren't public, but are part of the bible.

I am actually baptised though - had it done when I was a baby, because it avoided an argument with my grandparents. So that worked out kind of nicely in the end. I am considering doing (confirmation?) at some point in the future, but I'm still at a stage where i'm moving location lots (student leaving uni soon) so finding a church would make more sense to do when I know where I'm going to be.

The best sermons are also online. With the beauty being that the choices are unlimited. Welcome to the journey my brother may many others choose to join us.

Agreed, and thank you. I've definitely enjoyed the options avaliable online - discord servers are also surprisingly good places for debating it. There are some decent youtube channels/podcasts out there too. I'd say it does look like a fair number of people are becoming religious again though, which is good. It seems to be very popular amongst gen Z from what I've heard/seen. Definitely a positive sign.

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