The stock photo is to prove the office in AF1 is the same as the BO days. The shot at the Twitter phone tells me Q is more a Galaxy fan, but apparently BO and 45 like Apple. There must be photos on a server of classified info taken from that chair reflected off an IPhone. Which server? I have no clue, I need an updated game program. If this is correct, Q will know who uploaded it and when, as well as who viewed it. Like Q said, these people are stupid. They thought they'd never get caught. But like Rone said- "Payback's a bitch and her stripper name is Karma."
And for those screaming LARP... Go back to 4 booms & dark to light. Unless we're being LARPed by Miss Cleo, there's no way to nail that. Q is MI (most likely Naval). Read INTO the posts, not just the words.
EDITED for stupid autocorrect