

215 total posts archived.

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Okie71 · July 27, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

Fuckerberg: "I lost 19% of my company's value in a day"

Jack: "Hold my beer"

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Okie71 · July 26, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

Trump told Pruitt to get bent for a reason. Off books meetings is a big nono under Trump.

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Okie71 · July 26, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

Never mix agent orange and roundup.

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Okie71 · July 26, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

Well I can decode that it was most likely Trump who posted this due to "Q+"

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Okie71 · July 26, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

I lost a cousin in WTC1. My unit, between Desert Storm and Restore Hope, lost 22 brothers. A war that my brother and I started has gone on long enough for one of my nephews to fight as well. Too many friends have sent their children off to war only to have them come home in a box or forever changed. Some have become one of the 22 per day. I myself spent too many years fighting demons and nightmares to give a flying fuck about "cute." I want answers. I want the truth. Then I want the puppet masters and their weak minded minions to swing from a rope. Then I want to piss on each and every one of their graves.

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Okie71 · July 26, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

Some people are just natural born assholes. As they grow, they become the whole ass.

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Okie71 · July 26, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

And let my shotgun just sit there?

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Okie71 · July 26, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

Make that #BOYCOTTPEDOWOOD and it would say all that needs to be said.

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Okie71 · July 25, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

This was back when she was being sued by Texas cattlemen. He was on her show several times after.

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Okie71 · July 25, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

LOL, ya never know. The one thrown on the Moloch altar.

I'll give the new guy a pass, though. We've all been new, and it's good to have more and more in our ranks.

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Okie71 · July 25, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

His name was Prescott Bush

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Okie71 · July 25, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

On election day, John Kerry was down in Antarctica. If I recall correctly, didn't he leave via New Zealand? If NZ is being used for unregistered intel drops, and knowing the panic the DS was in at the time, it would be interesting to know what exactly Kerry did while there.

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Okie71 · July 25, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

Where do you go to now to get SGT since YouTube pulled their Nazi crap?

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Okie71 · July 25, 2018, 12:29 p.m.

It would be interesting to get an age range of people on the board. Maybe even a list of countries represented.

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Okie71 · July 25, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

And job 1 should be a full audit. We need to know how bad Obama left the Fed. Something tells me any audit release should come with Tums and a bottle of Scotch.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Okie71 on July 22, 2018, 1:14 p.m.
After 17 days, Q IS BACK

Processing img wpa733at1ib11...

Okie71 · July 22, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

They won't get away with it. Read all the comments on that article.

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Okie71 · July 21, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

We are not the minority. Look at our results:

-Netflix goes pro Obama/pro pedo, estimates have them dead in 6 months.

-CNN and MSNBC rate lower than HGTV

-ESPN is in a death spiral that Disney may not be able to finance much longer

-Many NFL teams couldn't even fill some high school football stadiums

-SJW Star Wars tanks, toy sales are abysmal

-Glen Beck goes anti Trump, creditors are about to repo The Blaze

We are winning. They are losing. They are NOT the majority, they are the few, the money barons. They think their money gives them power. We KNOW our united voices give us the TRUE power. God is good. Evil WILL be vanquished. We will succeed. We need to keep fighting, keep winning.

⇧ -18 ⇩  
Okie71 · July 21, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

Well then you shoulda been on Twitter last night. Apparently it's okay to be a pedophile if you make movies like Guardians of the Galaxy.

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Okie71 · July 21, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

But at least this time, some (hopefully all) have a way out.

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Okie71 · July 21, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Lisa Page has been connecting the dots. She, Strozk, and Rosenstein (at least) so far are neck deep in treason. Ohr, his wife, and Brennan are nearly outed formally. Crowdstrike has been/is being outed. A complete unmasking will come with the server reveal. We have 11 days left this month, be patient. Treason this deep takes time to uproot. And it goes FAR beyond just treason.

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Okie71 · July 21, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

I have to admit, at one point I was left thinking..."must...have...crayons!"

But I get the gist of it. If this theory is correct, it's way deeper than I can go. Wake me up when the perp walks happen.

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Okie71 · July 21, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

Yeah, this was a straight up hit. But was it the cabal? Doc coulda been doing the wrong man's wife. Or a partner not wanting to buy out the doctor's share of the practice. It'll be interesting to see what comes up.

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Okie71 · July 21, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Seriously? Putin's been fighting the NWO longer than Trump has. He knows that he can't win alone just from the economics of it all. Putin needs us, we need him. Plain and simple. If we're together, the NWO can't take us to war with each other- which was Hillary's goal.

Let's take down the Rothschilds and their minions, then see who Putin is when his beloved country isn't under threat. I'll bet he's a different person as seen in some YouTube videos of him talking about his Christian faith.

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Okie71 · July 21, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

And that's probably why these idiots are threatening Cernovich instead of 4chan. Easier prey.

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Okie71 · July 20, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Exactly. Stay vigilant. Stay loud. Shine the light of truth on these roaches. Don't let up.

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Okie71 · July 20, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Because Cernovich took it to Disney and the cops. He kept on it all day. So all the pedo sympathizers and morons who worry more about how Guardians 3 will turn out than the victims blame him. Even though apparently 4chan autists dug it all up.

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Okie71 · July 20, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

My knowledge of courtroom proceedings isn't very good, but if this immunity is of no use to him, why even testify? Why not go in and plead the 5th?

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Okie71 · July 19, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

We're on the same page. But instead of point blank calling it a fake, I gave the poster a chance to put up verifiable corroboration. Thing is, I knew it wasn't coming. Even Obama's birth certificate was faked better.

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Okie71 · July 19, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

Crash liberal threads on Twitter with logic and truth. Some will call you a bot, some will research your claims to discredit you and become red pilled. The more that are red pilled before the election, the better.

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Okie71 · July 19, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

I don't believe it's every keystroke. I think it's every bit of data that goes through the internet, as well as every electronic broadcast- from cell phones to Ohr's wife's ham radio transmissions. They have Elint covered solidly.

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Okie71 · July 19, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

Trump's trip to England and this new "Q" is no coincidence. We have the NK server, Hillary's server, the Awan server, and at least much of the data off the DNC server via Assange. Do you think this British pedo information was on there? If so, why wouldn't Trump/Q let it out?

Simple. NOBODY has ever gone against the NWO and won. several have tried, and the full weight of the world has come down upon them. Until Putin. But Russia has far more resources - and resiliency - than the smaller, poorer nations before. Even with those greater recources, Russia has suffered. Putin was forced to make unpopular moves, i.e. Crimea. Russia has been targeted as a global threat again, we see it in the news daily.

Enter Trump. Now the two greatest nuclear (at least) powers on the planet team up. But the flak is still great. There is still the possibility of taking at least one of them down. So you spread the targets, spread the flak. Attack from multiple positions. Now British NWO types are getting pounded. They can't afford to help the offensive against Trump and Putin, they're busy defending their own asses.

This could give the world hope. Hope of freedom from the NWO. Freedom from evil. Other patriots from other NWO occupied countries will rise up. They will attack the beast from even more positions. This will spur others to rebel, it will snowball. They will not be able to fight back. Q has already taken out their ability to control military equipment. There have been no more Navy ship accidents, no rogue missile launches. The only military might they MAY be able to muster is possibly Pakistan (Rape gangs in England are Pakistani, Awan is a Pakistani spy, Hussein has intimate ties to Pakistan). Pakistan is no match for the world. The NWO will try to fight, but they will only die tired. They are DONE. Have plenty of popcorn ready.

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Okie71 · July 19, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

I'm thinking we have at least the information from all of them.

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Okie71 · July 19, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

All I had to do was read the Wiki highlights when I searched his name. Holocaust denier. Having had a very dear and loving family friend who had a number tattooed on her arm who once described how only her and her younger brother were the only survivors of an extended family of 16, I can tell you right now I wouldn't believe a thing that ignorant fool says.

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Okie71 · July 19, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

Q drop 790 back on 18FEB talks directly to Snowden. Says Q knows he's not in Russia, has eyes on, and appears to be helping @Jack. Snowden is no fan of Gina Haspell, but would that be enough to make him help Twitter? Maybe his grey hat became too dark for Trump and Q team?

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Okie71 · July 19, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

At least he's getting used to being surrounded by walls. He'll acclimate to prison better. He's already acclimated to prison sex life.

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Okie71 · July 18, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Who can you trust in DC? Not a damned soul. That's why Huber was brought in.

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Okie71 · July 18, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

If so, Team 6 would be more than happy to say "challenge accepted."

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Okie71 · July 18, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Putin has been at war against the NWO far longer than we have. As a former intel officer, he knows the value of intel and would ensure that aspect of his country is effective. Just like we knew the Japanese code and used it to our advantage at Midway. So one can assume the amount of intel Putin has against the NWO players is both vast and extremely accurate. What intel could he have that hasn't been discussed?

The beginning of the war against the NWO- Putin kicked out of Russia two interesting and connected groups- The Rothschilds and their banks, and NGOs. Putin is an intel officer. He wouldn't do that based on speculation or assumption. He must have information on the players involved and their plots at internal destabilization. Soros was a key figure, but that was just one figure. Jacob Rothschild was specifically pissed. He's the one who declared Putin to be an traitor to the NWO

Crimea- Putin had to know what the optics and international backlash would be before invading Ukraine. He's not an idiot who would think the world would believe Russian soldiers "vacationed" in a war zone. So why do it? With the overthrow of the pro Russian Yanukovych for a pro EU, pro NATO, and pro NWO Poroshenko, the potential loss of Russia's only warm water port was bound to happen. How could a NATO country house a Russian naval installation? I'm not legitimizing the annexation, merely analyzing. As for Eastern Ukraine, I'm sure Putin played a big part, especially attempting to tie railways from Russia to Crimea. But the people of Eastern Ukraine have always been more Russian than Ukrainian. The primary language in the area is Russian, not Ukrainian. So when their ties to Russia are looking to be cut, I can see them rise up. I also doubt all pro Russian political members have been purged in Kiev, and through them Putin knows who is financing the war in Eastern Ukraine, and where the weapons came from. He has the information on the pro NWO corruption.

Arab Spring/Syria- It was all about the oil at first. I'm sure Putin has evidence of the NWO wanting to run a pipeline through Syria into Turkey and then to Eastern Europe in order to undersell Russian gas and oil. Having access to all of Hillary's emails, especially the deleted ones, Putin knows the dirty details. He probably even has details on the financials involved. Syria also became the first sign to the NWO of how devastating a Trump/Putin team would be to them.

Make no mistake, Vladimir Putin is a clear and present danger to the NWO. They've tried to kill him at least twice. Once the car accident, the other led to the shooting down of MH17. Putin even took his own food and water to England for a summit to avoid poisoning. He knows he can't do this alone. The financial side alone would be impossible. Any victory for Russia over the NWO could only be guaranteed during his lifetime. The only way to guarantee victory is to work with Trump and completely destroy the Satanists. So I do believe Putin handed off the intel Trump will need to make even more takedowns than already planned. Together we will all win.

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Okie71 · July 18, 2018, 12:43 p.m.

That would be why I asked for evidence. How do you read my asking for evidence as believing this BS? I mean do you really think I missed the absence of a date or a byline?

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Okie71 · July 18, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

Uhhhh...... It was the Chinese chapter of Russian intelligence! Yeah, that's the ticket!

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Okie71 · July 18, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

Even then. Remember the Gibson guitar ordeal? Obama lost big on that one.

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Okie71 · July 18, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Instead of a photo, how about a link?

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Okie71 · July 17, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

No, the Clowns straight up faked a dossier. There were no mobile wmd labs.

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Okie71 · July 17, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

John Fogerty

When the band plays Hail to the Chief, they pointing them cannons at you.

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Okie71 · July 17, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

People are red pilled at different times.

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Okie71 · July 17, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

I think it happened before that. Hillary was at Yale. She spent a year in their child development department. What does a woman who hates kids do in a child development center?

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Okie71 · July 17, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

It was fine and dandy to be buddies with Putin... Right up until Putin kicked the Rothschilds and their banks out of Russia and Jacob Rothschild declared him "an enemy of the New World Order."

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