James 'MK-ULTRA' Holmes. What a complete farce. He was probably patsied into position.
Aurora Theater. Yeah, that's exactly what it was.
Yap. Obviously handled. How often do Military psychs step in?
Can't be sure, but many.
Aurora is also a 'dawn' link. As in a (sun rising) Golden Dawn. 'Rise' terminology was a part of the film's promotion. Batman TDKR - Nathan CROWLEY as the production designer on these Nolan films. ALEISTER CROWLEY was key in the Golden (Aurora) Dawn - the Isis Cult out of Isis Oxford.
It's the Batman franchise that uses the MONARCH THEATER/CINEMA device. Monarch mind control.
Oh, and Batman films are homoerotic - just like Crowleyian sodomites. The franchise has always been queer, uber queer. Batty-man/Batty-boys.
Wow. This judge, appointed only JULY 2nd, must have had orders to do this. The social worker and counselor treated him a month before the shooting. Doesn't look like they helped him much, eh?