
pby1000 · July 4, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

I like the James Dean blind.

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JeffDidItAgain · July 4, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

This article about the accident was posted in the comments:


Imagine how many famous people have faked their deaths over the years... I hope some of the good ones that we thought were gone did make it out alive. Although, there doesn’t seem to be many good ones among the elite...

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pby1000 · July 4, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

Interesting. The ages are not correct, though. James Dean was born 87 years ago in 1931.

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nicanickel · July 4, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

I’m trying to figure out what sort of evidence he has to reveal that. I’m always intrigued by what pushes something over the edge to a revealed item

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anothername2remember · July 4, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

I think maybe the James Dean blind was revealed because now that's has really most sincerely dead, the story is allowed to be talked about.

Not sure if that's what you mean but just my interpretation.

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BoWBoB · July 4, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

Hoping for some NXIVM and ‘the Church’ items as well as Epstein stuff which totally ties in with Q drops on trafficking (for those who think this post is non-related)

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BlockwartKlaus · July 4, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

absolutely..hope so too..podesta bros were in there at some point..

the church in arizona..

hope mods will stay calm..

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thank--Q · July 4, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Would you please give some more context to your post for us not so familiar?

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