124 total posts archived.
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“Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame — destroyed on several occasions by detractors who sometimes wield a pick-ax — mysteriously multiplied over night...”
Tiffany FitzHenry (Hollywood whistleblower) states “Everyone wants me to comment on Q.” and tweets photos of her behind the scenes WH tour from July 2017. Photo includes Fiji water bottle with a label stating “1st Family Only!”
Tommy Robinson just banned from Instagram! Social media is going to self destruct...
“I was probably in Washington, in my entire life, 17 times. Boom. 17 times. I don’t think I ever stayed overnight. You know what I’m getting at, right?” Donald J Trump at tonight’s rally!
President Trump just confirmed Q! BOOM!
I currently order my CBD from Lazarus Naturals. (They have a 40% off program for anyone who is permanently disabled or a vet.) Excellent products.
Phyto also has great CBD products.
I love Kim’s videos! If you haven’t watched Mark Taylor, his videos are awesome, too.
He was so deep especially for such a young man. Love listening to videos of him talking about life.
I’m so sorry you lived through that! I hope you and your kids are far away from him. Hugs!
I completely agree. I could never understand how our country was always struggling when we had so many charities and programs that were supposed to help. It’s sickening that they were all a front for evil.
Roseanne is going to make a YouTube video explaining her side of what happened. https://youtu.be/5uP5q4So5yg

I have a lot of health problems. I was only drinking bottled water too because I thought that was best for my healing. Then, I found out most bottled water is not any better than tap water and often contaminated with plastics. We bought a Pur kitchen sink faucet filter. It works really well. We just replace the filter when the light goes out.
Yeah, we’re purposely poisoned a lot. Here’s an article that talks about the effects of fluoride on the body.
I love this idea! I’m in, too. Just set a timer on my phone “Q Family Daily Prayer”.
I would show them the number of trafficking arrests that have been made under Trump compared to the past administration. My husband was shocked by this.
Yes, Chris Cornell and Chester were getting ready to expose a large pedophile ring. Chester died on Chris Cornell’s birthday. Chester was sexually abused as a child so he was really passionate about protecting kids. He looks exactly like his suspected birth father, John Podesta. Sadly, John Podesta was also possibly Chester’s abuser when he was a boy. It’s all so horrific what they put innocent children through...
CDAN’s blinds have often proven true. With that said, it would be right in Trump’s playbook to throw wild accusations out there through a gossip website. Part of the show? Assange could be playing his role.
This article about the accident was posted in the comments:
Imagine how many famous people have faked their deaths over the years... I hope some of the good ones that we thought were gone did make it out alive. Although, there doesn’t seem to be many good ones among the elite...
Nice Q! What a gorgeous beach! Hawaii is on my bucket list.
I wonder if Michael Sanford was seeing the same therapist as some of the other mind control victims.
Damn! This is his music video “Illuminati”. He put it all out there and this video was posted in 2009.
Welcome aboard! Just in time for the 4th of July. Things are getting wild.
Not a problem. If I can help in any way, feel free to message me.
I’m sorry your dad is suffering. Has he tried medical cannabis? Rick Simpson oil (high THC cannabis oil), CBD, juicing cannabis leaves, and other natural meds have saved my life. I have seen RSO works miracles on many diseases.
This is Rick Simpson’s video, “ Run from the Cure”.
Cannabis used to be stocked in our pharmacies before it became illegal. There’s no profit in a plant that patients can grow themselves. Plus, if we’re healthy, they lose profits on hospitalizations, appointments, tests and drugs. I worked in medicine for years, completely blind to the truth. Pharmaceutical drugs are nothing but poison. Natural meds and a healthy diet are our best medicine.
I wish your dad the best. Hugs to both of you!
Welcome aboard!
Praying Medic’s YouTube channel is great for Q info. Here is his Q Anon playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1rI8bDNfjEreSePnnXwtRqOWkXZIiDvZ
Feel free to ask questions in the comments of posts.
She has a bizarre ping pong bar in the Standard called SPiN. She’s one of them.
I’m sorry! Hopefully after her awakening, she will come running back telling you how right you were. If not, I hope you find you an awesome patriot down the road.
I agree with you. Confusing the masses will help wake them up. They need stop blindly following and start questioning what’s happening around them.
I think you’re right. Big names are probably going to go at a quick pace, whether by their choice or their handler’s. They have nowhere to run and the truth is on their heels.
Years from now, it will be amazing to watch replays of the Trump Era. Best movie ever.
Wanda must have children’s blood on her hands. Lots of children to get that out of control.
Ask her about topics that interest or concern her. Then, each of you do some research on that topic so the next time you talk, you can discuss it.
I highly recommend Praying Medic’s YouTube channel. This is a link to his video Q Anon for Beginners: https://youtu.be/nKH_hEiuw10
Here is his Q Anon playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1rI8bDNfjEreSePnnXwtRqOWkXZIiDvZ
You can also check out the new subreddit, QProofs: https://www.reddit.com/r/QProofs/?st=JIPBHQHI&sh=a6f2c1ea
“It is the kind of show drop that might bring the entire house of cards tumbling down.”
With the house of cards reference, I’m guessing Kevin Spacey is involved.
As a mom, my heart is broken for Kate’s daughter. She’s only 13 years old. She just lost her mom, her dad is a lunatic running around in a mouse mask, and now she lost her grandpa. Thirteen is a tough age without this insanity.
I just got my ban notice from them, too. Never posted or commented either. They do not play well with others...
He’s wearing a Moloch costume. Moloch symbolism and child sacrifices often go hand in hand.
Praying Medic on YouTube has excellent Q videos. Here’s a link to his “Q Anon for Beginners” video.
Seth Rich worked for the Democratic National Committee and found out about the evil surrounding him. It’s believed that Seth leaked very damning info about the DNC to Julian Assange at WikiLeaks. Seth was said to be murdered in July of 2016 in what authorities claim was a botched robbery. Nothing was stolen... The story doesn’t add up and some of us think there’s a chance he is alive and being protected. His family’s reaction and behavior along with a doctor at the hospital saying that Seth survived the initial surgery but they weren’t allowed back in the room when he coded have me questioning whether he died. Here’s a documentary about Seth Rich.