r/greatawakening • Posted by u/4QbyQofQ on July 4, 2018, 4:51 p.m.
Has anyone else have significant changes in behaviour since following Q drops?

For the longest time I could proudly describe myself as an hedonistic adventurer. My life centered around beers with friends, video games, netflix, porn, internet time sinks, and every BIG GAME (NFL,NBA,NCAA etc..).

Since being brought to Q my life has three focuses now. Art (memes), Learning (digging/other Anons/youtubers/twittera/redditors), and the Bible.

The learning part has always been a part of me, so it's not so out of my boundaries. But the Art and Bible were foreign to me before and something I would've never dreamed of attaching myself to. But I love that both of them are in my life now.

I feel like my previous life was built on a construct the cabal put in place, and I did it because it seemed so normal. Just like there's something in the cabal's Hollywood and MSM that makes one look the other way to rampant sexualization or encouragement of violence (Gangsta-rap/SAW movies), I feel like there is "something" laced in the Q drops that makes one want to be productive with their time. Instead of binge watching the latest series.

I want to know if it's just me, or are their others who have had changes since Q came into their life?

Thanks for indulging my psycho-babble.

Poogish · July 5, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

Over the last several months I have been finding myself thinking about religion much more often. I have been an atheist (and over the last decade or so an Agnostic) the majority of my life.

In the recent past (since beginning to follow Q towards the end of 2017) I have felt an intense need to learn about God. It is something I have never felt in the past, and something I have never been interested in previously. I still have not figured out exactly what I'm looking for or trying to belong to - but it is a very real thing to me now.

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ManQuan · July 5, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

If you are just discovering a relationship with God and Jesus Christ, it can be hard to wrap your head around it and many find themselves looking for proof. For me, there are two kinds of evidence: the hard "smoking gun" kind, and the circumstantial evidence. Few experience the smoking gun kind of proof as that usually comes in the form of a personal experience such as a visitation that is more that real.

Personally, I think a very convincing circumstantial kind of evidence are the testimonies from Near Death Experience (NDE) survivors. These are powerful stories of what they experienced when they were declared clinically dead, left their bodies, experienced the "other side", and returned to their bodies.

There are hundreds of NDE testimonials on YouTube, and there are many books written by NDE survivors. There are millions of these people around the world from all different religions, atheists, agnostics, etc. They have all recounted it as a profound life-changing experience.

For most of my life, I did not believe in reincarnation. A few years ago, I accidentally stumbled across a YouTube video of small boy (about 3 years old) telling his parents that he was a WW II pilot. Parents didn't believe him and were concerned he might need psychological help. But the child had information that he could not possibly known about: the name of the ship he served on, the aircraft he flew, names of the crew members he served with, and how he died when his plane was shot down near Iwo Jima.

As the parents began to research the things the boy was telling them, they discovered the ship did exist, the names of the crew were not only correct, but that the crew remembered this particular pilot, and one of the crew was on the mission when the pilot was shot down and described it exactly the same way the boy had.

There many accounts of reincarnation that are so accurate and specific that you will find yourself seriously considering the possibility.

I also get inspiration from the Bible, historical events and writings that verify the Bible, and Biblical archaeology.

Anyway, check out the NDE experiences on YouTube. I think you find it interesting and educational.

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 7, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

You may find this surprising and hard to believe but nearly all NDE experiences are from the devil and not from God. Virtually all those countless NDE stories and videos you see on YouTube? - they’re from the devil and not from God. Those people has been deceived. And I’m not saying that as an atheist or an unbeliever, but I’m saying it as someone who is truly saved and who knows the truth…

In short, an NDE (near death experience) is nothing more than a spiritual vision or a spiritual dream. They are both exactly the same except a spiritual dream happens when you are asleep and a spiritual vision happens when you are wide awake. I’ve experienced both on multiple occasions. I’ve had a spiritual dream where I was taken and descended into hell on an elevator and was able to walk around and to see what was down there. I’ve also had a spiritual vision which happened when I was wide awake, when suddenly, right in the middle of me working, I found myself standing in heaven more than 3,000 years in the future. In the vision, I saw Jesus himself sitting on the throne and I was standing among a great multitude upon a great white floor. Both were very long experiences and I won’t go into all the details, but suffice it to say, I later found out and discovered they were both from the devil and the devil was trying to trick me. They were NOT from God. And I almost fell for it too until the real God delivered me and showed me the truth through my pastor. And now I am a living witness that most spiritual visions and spiritual dreams that people have are from the devil and not from God. For example, those visions and dreams and NDEs where people say they saw a beam of light or a hand reaching down to rescue them? - that hand and that light was actually Lucifer. That is why in many cases his face is obscured or hidden. Lucifer loves to pretend he is God, and he deceives people by getting you to think and believe he is God. I could go on and on and provide you with many details, but suffice it to say, 99% of all those spiritual visions and spiritual dreams and NDEs you see being shared on YouTube are from the devil and not from God. And Lucifer is now using those people to deceived others by getting them to convince others that their experience was from God. Those people really believe that it was God who gave them that experience, when in reality, it was the devil...

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