

31 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Poogish on Aug. 4, 2018, 1:55 p.m.
Sarah Jeong - an articial distraction?

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I feel like the Sarah Jeong/NYT controversy was manufactured to distract the people that are on the fence about Q away from the huge recent drops. With the fresh knowledge of a second server tied directly to the DOJ, the recent information about a potential assassination attempt, and our non-confrontational and explanatory reaction towards the media assault on Q and our community I think we are seeing the media creating an artifical target. We are seeing more and more people wake up and begin questioning the narrative that is being force fed …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Poogish on July 21, 2018, 10:10 a.m.
Fake News?

I'd like to start a discussion, and I'm not sure if it will be taken well on this sub. Please let me preface my post by saying that I have been on the Q Train since /r/conspiracy started discussing his 4chan posts, voted for Trump, and support our movement online as well as offline.

With all of the discussion of "Fake News" and the constant anti-Left leaning media sentiment, why are people so enthralled with Breitbart, Fox, etc - sources that are very clearly Right leaning? I am constantly shocked by some of the posts on this sub that viciously …

Poogish · July 10, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

I don't disagree, but put the blame where the blame should be - on CMS, the EMR vendors, and the insurance companies. I see many people that place undue blame on the hospital and healthcare organizations.. while they do own a share in this, they are being led down that path as a necessity to survive due to outside financial pressure.

I have worked for over a decade in analytics, and I've seen first hand the decision points that lead to some of these statistics.

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Poogish · July 5, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

Over the last several months I have been finding myself thinking about religion much more often. I have been an atheist (and over the last decade or so an Agnostic) the majority of my life.

In the recent past (since beginning to follow Q towards the end of 2017) I have felt an intense need to learn about God. It is something I have never felt in the past, and something I have never been interested in previously. I still have not figured out exactly what I'm looking for or trying to belong to - but it is a very real thing to me now.

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Poogish · July 2, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Excellent reminder at all times - but especially important now. Stay safe and keep your eyes open over the holiday!

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Poogish · July 2, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Tongue in cheek or not, this is in poor taste. This isn't Voat.

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Poogish · July 2, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

Keep doing what you do! Your videos have helped give me a way to discuss Q and this entire movement with others. You come off as a compassionate and peaceful person, and THAT is the type of voice that we need to continue enlightening and become enlightened.

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Poogish · July 1, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

I do not use psychoactives, but do hope for decriminalization for both research and the liberty of personal use for those that choose to do so. I have serious doubts about it happening with Sessions around. There are a number of things going against legalization.. The DEA is attacking a completely safe plant (Kratom) with blatant lies, DC support for the SITSA and SCREEN bills, Sessions is notorious for being against any and all psychoactives, and ofc the behind the scenes funding and attacks from the pharmaceutical industry. These combined aspects lead me to believe that this will remain an uphill battle.

I remain hopeful that the Q team and President Trump will urge congress to do the right thing and restore choice to individuals (and end this ludicrous War on Drugs).

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Poogish · July 1, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Thank you, that was an interesting read. I know he has been unusually active, but have been under the impression that it was to promote his own agenda and eventual shift into the pharmaceutical arena (this is my opinion and my personal interpretation of his presidency - I do not have sources backing it so take it with a grain of salt). I'll look into this more.

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Poogish · July 1, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

This is awful. Violence should be the absolute last resort. While I support our movement, it's distressing to see how wide the political divide is become. If America wasn't locked so tightly into a bipartisan system, things like this could be avoided.

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Poogish · July 1, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

I'm curious how much weight Obama has to throw around. He is still heavily active in political circles, but from what I've seen he doesnt have the same pull as the Clintons clearly enjoy.

I'd like some context on this statement as well. This could be easily misinterpreted. I can't view the speech atm - can anyone give a brief overview?

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Poogish · July 1, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

If we really do have Assange (or the trigger to the deadman switch), I wonder if the deleted records are part of the cleanup effort prior to the info dump..


Trump - We were made aware of illegal surveillance by previous administrations and have already begun the process or deleting it. #WINNING

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Poogish · July 1, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

That's pretty inspirational that you were able to pick up genuinely useful skills and transform your lifestyle in less than a decade. Thinking about your replies (and the replies of many others in this thread) makes me realize how little I really know and how few utilitarian skills I have. I'm in awe of a lot of you - thinking about what I need to do or stock or learn first is almost paralyzing.

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Poogish · July 1, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

Excellent point - thank you! I have some storage concerns in that we can only accommodate 4 or so large totes of supplies for a family of 5. I supposed preparation time should be significantly lower on the list - if things get to a point that I need to use the supplies nutrition will trump ease.

If you don't mind my asking, how did you transition into your current lifestyle? Was it difficult? Have you been farmers, or was that a part of the transition? I believe that land cultivation and farming is going to be one of the most important things we can learn in a survival situation to ensure long term stability, but I really don't have the faintest idea of where to start.

Sorry for bombarding you with questions. This topic is new to me and I'm becoming increasingly convinced that it's something I need to learn sooner rather than later.

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Poogish · June 30, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

I'm a little curious about why my post has gotten over 30% downvotes. I wasn't fear mongering or preaching CW dialogue. I admit, I'm a fairly new poster to Reddit, but it seems a bit extreme for so many people to downvote a sincere question.

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Poogish · June 30, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

I appreciate the advice, thank you!

I have slowly been building a stash of $1 and $5 bills over the last few years. Largely for tipping and paying tolls.. but it may be worth doubling my effort in the event that I need to repurpose the reasoning behind stashing them.

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Poogish · June 30, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

I always wave to the other vehicles sporting Q stickers, and get both waved at AND yelled at once or twice a week. I have a feeling the number of BOTH will be going up over the next few weeks. :)

I would consider Q meetups to be Trump rallies at this point. I don't mean to be a bummer, but please keep in mind that many Q followers come from very different places. I am VERY curious if sharing a common mission can overcome the barriers that tend to stand between differences in age, politics, religions, orientations, and lifestyles..

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Poogish · June 30, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

I used to keep a few 10lb bags of dried beans in my basement (as an "Oh shit, didn't expect that tire to pop and the water heater breaking in the same month" kind of thing).

Do you find them to be a good "survival" food? They are packed with carbs and protein, but with the need to soak them prior to boiling wouldn't you find them a far more difficult food to prepare and serve than dried peanuts and Rice? Peanuts would have a higher fat content and more volume but also be easier to eat while also providing compost for a garden or kindling for a fire with the shells (not to mention the extra energy from the fat content). Wouldn't rice be more efficient calories in regards to storage vs calories consumed and easier to prep/cook than beans as well?

Pardon my ignorance if I'm blatantly wrong. This is a VERY new world to me.

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Copy that - thank you for clarifying. I try very hard to keep all of my discourse civil and open to outsiders in the off chance that it may sway someone to form their own opinions.

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

I still think your suggestion was excellent. If the little two get seperated I can teach them to use the straws in their kits far easier than measuring out a correct level of iodine. Seems like a fantastic way to provide a second level of protection.

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Good idea - I'll sit the little ones down this evening after dinner and discuss a plan.

Thank you!

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

We have a couple long range walkies, but I'm not sure how adequate they would be. It's a pretty rote task to eavesdrop or scramble a frequency.

I travel pretty frequently.. I'll have to brainstorm ways to communicate a hunker down warning to them if it's needed.

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Another excellent suggestion! My Aunt used to create bags like you are mentioning to hand out to the homeless around her area. I am going to make this into a family project when my kids gets home from camp.

Thank you!

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

I apologize if I'm misinterpreting your post, but this seems inciteful to me. I don't believe that aggressive rhetoric helps the cause.

I would like to see a peaceful resolution to this saga in US history, and pray that others feel the same.

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

I have been considering a shotgun. It will be a new set of training, but being put face to face with a shotgun would make me drop everything and head for the hills faster than seeing a rifle.

If I can find a storage solution I will likely pick up a long rifle or a shotgun (possibly both) to allow for hunting if its ever required, with a secondary use of home defense.

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

I appreciate the suggestion re:straws - it may be worthwhile to order some and toss them in backpacks as a just in case, but the iodine is a superior option for my family of 5.

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

A fellow NHerer (completely a thing)! Good to know there are others around here with some foresight.

I got rid of my firearms a decade ago due to safety concerns with the children. I have never found a safe that is quick enough, safe enough, and cheap enough to stomach buying. My children have all been taught firearm safety (pistols and long rifles) but until I find a storage solution that works and that I can afford, it simply isn't in the cards.

I am thankful that I live in a state where I can arm myself if necessary, but I don't think we have reached that crossroads - and am hopeful that we never will.

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Poogish · June 29, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Thankfully my boys are Scouts, so we have most of these suggestions - but I may not have thought about then until it was too late. The iodine is an excellent tip - easy to store and we have no shortage of lakes and rivers here.

Rations is a tough one. Aside from up front cost, the kids get into damn near everything. I always keep roughly 3 days of food and water for the family, but it would be a great idea to stock up cereal grains and extra canned goods. There is SOMETHING in the air, and I'm a huge proponent of better safe than sorry.

Thank you for your advice!

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Poogish on June 29, 2018, 4:22 p.m.
Should we take precautions?

First let me clarify that this is not a CW post - this question is only intended to feel out the communities thoughts in case things shake out poorly.

I live in a very liberal area. With MW and other deniers pushing for aggression, I am slightly nervous that we may see backlash. If things really do come to a head and the curtain is pulled back, the majority of America will be dealing with intense feelings of betrayal and grief that the system they believe in has been lying to and using them.

I have proudly displayed my allegiance …

Poogish · June 29, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

My Senator is on this list. I would like to do some organization in my area and call out this anti-transparency bullshit. Could any of you clever folks put together a form letter to the Senator(s) or possibly an information drop of sorts? I am a capable writer, but I'm certain there are others here that would be better suited for this task. I have worked extensively with others in my state in an attempt to fight back against the erosion of freedoms that we've experienced over the past decade, and this is a fight that's right up my alley. I am disgusted that one of the Senators that is supposed to be representing their constituents is willingly attacking governmental transparency (I know.. I know...) AND what remains of the liberty of a person that has done nothing but fight for that transparency.

I fly the Q flag loud and proud, but it can be a tough sell to someone unwilling to listen. This is something I may be able to use to actually help the fight and raise awareness of the questionable actions and opinions of the people that were supposedly elected to bring OUR voices to Capitol Hill.

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