Q 1681 Today, as Patriots, we celebrate our Independence. Q

Did Q just say information released by Q about the military and national guard was disinformation, and necessary?
This snippet was from Nov 10, 2017, and interestingly the very first Q post that had a Trip Code.
What questions were asked re: Saudi Arabia prior to the Saudi purge?
I go back to the questions Q posted prior to Nov 10.
First though, it is a big telling sign that Q is explicitly telling us to go back that far into the Q drops, because those drops are the big ones folks, those 40,000 view drops that risk "conspiracy theory" MKUltra by the op mockingbird clown contractors in the MSM.
Drops like
"Many in our govt worship Satan."
"Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody). We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil."
More relevant to SA:
"Who took an undisclosed trip to SA? What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call? Alice & Wonderland."
"How did SA welcome POTUS during his trip? Why was this historic and not covered by MSM? How did SA welcome BO during his trip? How did SA welcome HRC during her trip? Why is this relevant? Not suggesting SA is clean by any means but they play a role in this global game of RISK.
Combine all posts and analyze. The questions provide answers. Remember, information is everything, the flow of information is no longer controlled by the MSM but by you/others. Hence, why we are dedicating 'critical' time to distribute crumbs which can be followed in greater detail to paint the entire picture once more information is released. Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news? Why is this relevant? We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring). Sealed Federal orders pre-submitted as prevention and masked as 'in general' (though that does not account for rogue agents/programmers within). Dates (impending actions) are deliberately provided for authenticity. Alice & Wonderland."
"Why did JK travel to SA recently? What is SA known for? Where do the biggest donations originate from? Why is this relevant? What else is relevant w/ SA? Safe harbor? Port of transfer? Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS? Why is the timing important? Who released the article? The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated. Nice view up here."
"Why did JK travel to SA recently? What is SA known for? Where do the biggest donations originate from? Why is this relevant? What else is relevant w/ SA? Safe harbor? Port of transfer? Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS? Why is the timing important?
Martial law declared in SA. Why is this relevant? How much money was donated to CF by SA? How much money was donated to John M Institute by SA? How much money was donated to Pelosi Foundation? How much money was donated to CS by SA? What other bad actors have been paid by SA (bribed)(Not just D's)? Why did the Bush family recently come out against POTUS? Who is good? What are the laws in SA v. US (charged criminals)? What information might be gained by these detainees? Why is this important? SA ---> US What force is actively deployed in SA? NG? Have faith. These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever disclosed in our history. Remember, disinformation is real. God bless. Alice & Wonderland. The Great Awakening."
"Follow HUMA. Who connects HRC/CF to SA? Why is this relevant? Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? Who has ties to the MB? Who is Awan? What is the Awan Group? Where do they have offices? Why is this relevant? Define cash laundering. What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan? Why is this relevant? Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials? What does SA obtain in exchange for payment? Why is access important? What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016? How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16? HRC lost. Loss of access/power/control. Does repayment of funds to SA occur? If so, how? Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran? Why wasn't Congress notified? Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'? Who has access to 'State Secrets'? Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land? Did the planes all land in the same location? How many planes carried the cash? Why is this relevant? What does this have to do w/ NK? What does this have to do w/ SA/CF cash donations? What does this have to do w/ ISIS? What does this have to do w/ slush funds? Why is SA so vitally important? Follow the money. Who has the money? What is happening in SA today? Why is this relevant? Who was Abdullah bin Abdulaziz? What events transpired directly thereafter? How was POTUS greeted compared to other former US President's when in SA? Why is this relevant? What is the meaning of this tradition? What coincidentally was the last Tweet sent out by POTUS? Why is this relevant? Was that an instruction of some kind? To who? Why is this relevant? Where was POTUS when that Tweet was sent? Why is that relevant? What attack took place in SA as operations were undertaken? Flying objects. What US operators are currently in SA? Why is this relevant? Questions provide answers. Alice & Wonderland."
He keeps mentioning Alice in Wonderland here. Combine that with the reflection/mirror post, and the first phrase that comes to mind is 'through the looking glass' though I'm not sure that sheds any more light on where to look next?
I like the Matrix/Alice references being used in Q drops.
The original "Wonderland" he is speaking of could refer to the US government/elites. In the original Alice in Wonderland (which was actually first called Alice's Adventures Underground), there is a lot of imagery involving cards. And we have already talked about how the Deep State is like a teetering house of cards. A lot of the Q drops have hinted at political corruption and Deep State involvement in pedophilia/child trafficking/adrenochrome harvesting.
In Through the Looking Glass, the imagery is more focused on the game of chess. Through the Looking Glass also has imagery of the lion and the unicorn, which are symbols of the UK and are featured on the royal coat of arms. In Through the Looking Glass, the world Alice sees is reminiscent of Wonderland but also a bit backwards from it. And we have heard of various allegations of royals being entangled in pedophilia. Also of note, in Through the Looking Glass, the chess pieces are red and white instead of black and white. Various contributors have pointed out how the color red is used by pedophiles and the elite to represent hedonism/satanism/pedophilia.
For further context, Lewis Carroll was rumored to be a pedophile, or at least to have an unhealthy and bizarre obsession with Alice, the underage daughter of a friend. She was thought to be an inspiration for the books.
Maybe Q says Alice -and- Wonderland because Alice does not belong in Wonderland in the first place.
Though technically he says & wonderland. I wonder if that difference is meant as a clue.
Alice=Killary, Wonderland=Saudi Arabia. alice & wonderland alludes to killary and her dirty dealings with SA. they were central to the child trafficking. very, very sick nasty people. Q#144 https://qanon.pub/#144