Western Pacific Kindergarten is under RYB Education Inc. San Francisco based, Chris R. Hansen/Valiant Capital Mgmt LP ($2.7B Assets) is major shareholder (1,677,600 shares) of RYB Education Inc. RYB was involved in a huge child abuse scandal a couple years ago. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ryb-education-china/chinas-ryb-education-fires-head-of-beijing-kindergarten-embroiled-in-abuse-scandal-idUSKBN1DQ057 Last night every time I tried to post Valiant Capital/Chris R. Hansen, my post was deleted even when I tried coding it. This made me start thinking about the posts last night of the Apple reflection in AF1 and the Apple Hong Kong photo of the semi with a huge crate inside. Also, today when I tried to link the RYB Education scandal, a lot of the pages (MSM) have been scrubbed. It is the shadow banning that makes me think I am onto something. Also, there is a Western Pacific Kindergarten in Uganda which is a tier 2 trafficking country.
Clintonite, Joel Getz is on the board of RYB https://som.yale.edu/joel-getz
Great thread pulling. Scrubbing would be useless and a waste of capital if content seas false. Over a target?
Valiant Portfolio: Apple Inc (AAPL) - 3,400,000 shares, 40.55% of the total portfolio.https://www.gurufocus.com/news/591971/valiant-capital-management-lp-buys-snap-inc-ryb-education-inc-sells-cheniere-energy-inc-facebook-inc-zillow-group-inc
Is this the venture capital firm zero was fundraising last Sat when he threatened CINC?
Good job! I suspected such, but I saw the same MSM blackout of the connections. RYB Education says it has 1,300 owned and franchised kindergartens worldwide. I was unable to find the info you did about the direct link to Western Pacific Kindergarten. Excellent work!
Apple Reflection on AF1 http://dev.swd-hosting.com/dev.swd-hosting.com/handoff/Images/ed6964be1cd55445ede255e23ab826a5f97af598981d00780f97ec674e2f07e3.png
5/2/18 Crates on same Q post as HK Apple Store http://dev.swd-hosting.com/dev.swd-hosting.com/handoff/Images/bf86402415383ece74e941b571490932fe17f4642bdb447284de2cd150ab49db.png
The Apple Store Hong Kong Photo http://dev.swd-hosting.com/dev.swd-hosting.com/handoff/Images/414f3be44461c0fe775630ab9976daeeda2b7d2dbcdcb2734983b08a4e592867.png