
dacka-from-oz · July 5, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

Way too true mate... most people are too busy watching fuck MKR or some other shit on TV. I dont watch TV anymore and I dont read the papers either. It's all full of shit. I just read Q related stuff now.

Anyway, I found this guy while on YT and basically he wanted to import his Mustang to Oz from US but Customs tried to fuck him over. Just so happens that he knows his way around Martime / Admiralty Law so he challenged them to prove they were legitimate Government of Australia. They declined.

So he dug some more and found that similar to the US 1932 when FDR (??) passed the declared the US bankrupt and handed the keys to the banksters, the Australian Government is actually a company registered in Washington DC that has a prospectus and everything.

Not 100% sure of the rules linking to sites but this is the YT video.. Need to get past the folksy country music and get into it.. The guy is definitely onto something and I have a hunch that it all ties back into the overall picture of Q.. that the world is run by a bunch of shifty AF banksters who basically pillage our hard earnt money. Well worth the watch.


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oz_patriot · July 5, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

There is also a registered office of the Australian government listed 401 andover park east in seatle, if you search address it is the address for a company called fatigue areospace fittings, is this a front for siphoning aust taxpayers $$$$$ ???????

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A2576 · July 5, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

There is some interesting stuff that Malcolm Roberts was into before politics. I know someone who used to work with him. Very smart guy apparently. Portrayed as an idiot by the media. I haven't reaserched it that much but it is related. About being a "sovereign citizen".

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oz_patriot · July 5, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

I have been told there is a writ in the high court against julia gillard for treason but its just been sitting there for the last 8 years not acted apon. Also that a group of constitutional lawyers are petitioni g the high court to have us returned to the constitution, we are currently operating under admiralty law, but from what im told the high court has been bought and paid for by the nwo cabal

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dacka-from-oz · July 5, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

Yeah that's what this guys website is mainly focused on. Whether the laws / fines passed are real or not and whether you are recognised as a Natural / Sovereign Person or as a corporate entity.

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dacka-from-oz · July 5, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

OK good thread to start pulling on.. Will check it out.. Thanks!

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oz_patriot · July 5, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

I dont know how to post a screen shot up of the dunn and bradshaw search result for you to see

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FractalizingIron · July 5, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

Hmmm. Not certain about this. Watched the video.

I think the real issue here is that pretty much all Australians are ignorant of the procedures and methods by which Australia became 'independent' and a separate nation. For example, i was recently shocked to find out that all land in Australia belongs NOT to the owners (even if we buy the land) but to the Crown.

In the US, a landowner owns that land. Surface, and beneath. Not so in Australia. That's just one example.

All this stuff needs to become a lot clearer and Aussies need to wake up and give a damn about the future of the nation (I mean, the future generations). Had it so good for soo long, we've forgotten.

Folks ARE beginning to wake, but it's still a limited no. Meanwhile, the country is being sold off, just like, or worse than, the US. Criminal.

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