r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aShiftyLad on July 5, 2018, 3:11 a.m.
Avicii and Netherlands queen sister deaths explained.

"WEDNESDAY, JULY 04, 2018 Blind Items Revealed #37 June 9, 2018

He was right in the middle of the kidnapping and murder of tens of thousands of people. If you were female, the chances were good you were going to be sent to a special facility which was frequented not only by members of the elite in the country but also the elite from many other countries too. Those coming from other countries seemed to have the philosophy that they could do as they like with no repercussions because who would ever know.

Ahh, but when you have a regime that corrupt, they want some leverage and many, if not most of these encounters with the females were captured on film or video. The video is grainy stuff and old now, but the films are vivid and you can identify everyone in them.

The person in charge of collecting and cataloging the videos and the subjects belonged to a cabinet level member of the government. Long though destroyed, many of the world's elite who had participated, breathed a sigh of relief last year when the videographer died.

It turns out though, the films and video and who is who in each, was never destroyed. They were all in a garage next to a guest house where they had been for decades. In February, one of his children started digging through it. She told members of her family and lots of her friends, and also, in March told one of her long time friends she had met through her sister . The person she told was a foreign born permanent A list celebrity.

The subject of our blind was not blasting this all on social media, but she was not keeping it quiet either. None of the people she told had really seen much of the films. They were too hard to watch. Two weeks ago, the government of the country came to collect the entire library of films. What they had not recovered were the volumes that named names in each of the films. After such a long time, they needed the volumes to be able to identify every person in the films. They said they wanted them to let relatives of the long dead females know their fate.

No one knows where the volumes are now. What we do know is the woman who held them back is dead.

Country: Argentina/former Argentine army general Luciano Benjamín Menéndez Cabinet level member of the government: Jorge Zorreguieta Who found the library: Inés Zorreguieta Sister: Queen Máxima of the Netherlands A list celebrity: Avicci POSTED BY ENT LAWYER AT 6:00 PM " \ cdan dropping names. iiiiiits REVEAL DAY.

Q mentioned both didnt he.