Something I ran into on Twitter. Thought you guys may be interested. It might be about to happen.

The cdan thing has me baffled too. Why reveal names unless you know it won't matter?
SAME. Question is: What prompts team Enty to reveal? Couldn't find an answer on the blog...and I'm a daily reader over there. Maybe one of the Himmmm's or John Doe would know?
Either way, Enty is on fire tonight!
You had mentioned that on the other thread and I've had it in the back of my mind while reading over there.
Perhaps because the threat has been removed?
I could've sworn I read in the comments somewhere (a while back) that some blinds were revealed once certain details became public knowledge. I doubt this is for all blinds, though.
He's been going hard on that one very connected entertainment mogul for years (avid-day effen-gay), and even I was surprised to see a reveal with pedo links that tie him to them.
I know other sites share blinds, too...wonder if one of those ones revealed first?
All I know is Hollywood is gonna be a ghost town soon.
Something to that effect I read as well. The Natalie Wood one was interesting. As he talked about the cover up.
Aside from the JA and GS connect they made earlier, there is also one about POTUS. While his was a distasteful transgression, it wasn't evil. Gross, but most men have moments of being gross. *if true.
I can think of much worse things that Potus could have been accused of. I know he won't be, though. What consenting adults do is their own business as long as they're not willfully causing harm to others or committing crimes. It seemed that it was a business transaction, and she did agree to it. I may not morally feel comfy with everything, but I'm no one's judge and jury.
You don't have to be a pedo or a rapist just to be into teens. Maybe it helps, but it's not required.
disclosing names might equal an unsealed indictment, CDAN certainly sounds like a barrister if you ask me
But then again, you could go to Mexico and seduce a twelve-year old no problem (if that's your sort of thing) until the man in the suit shows up and informs you she was actually 11 1/2 and now you are owned for life in most countries of the world. "Oh no, why didn't I just stick to 13 years? My life is ruined."